WISH Query: Violent Deaths

(Data Updated January 2024)

This module provides data on violent deaths that occurred in Wisconsin, based on the Wisconsin Violent Death Reporting System (WVDRS). WVDRS collects data from vital records (death certificates), medical examiner and coroner offices, and law enforcement agencies. "Violent deaths" in this reporting system include all suicide deaths, homicide deaths, deaths of undetermined intent, deaths resulting from legal intervention, and deaths related to unintentional firearm injuries. View more definitions.

Step 1. Which measure do you wish to focus on?

Note: Calculated rates only include Wisconsin residents. Rates are not available for circumstances.

Step 2. Select one or more type of violent death.

Note: The "type of violent death" codes used in the Violent Deaths module differ from the "manner of death" codes used in the Mortality and Injury Mortality modules in WISH. As a result, counts and rates from the Violent Death module may differ from those obtained from the Mortality and Injury Mortality modules.

Step 3. Select death circumstances.

Circumstances known

Note: When selecting circumstances below, we recommend you limit to violent deaths that had known circumstances. Click link for more details.

All of the following circumstance variables apply to the violent death victim.

Current mental health problem

Current treatment for mental health problem

Alcohol problem

Family relationship problem

Other relationship problem
(Counts from 2011 and before are not comparable to counts from 2012 and after.)

Interpersonal violence perpetrator

Precipitated by another crime

Intimate partner problem

History of suicide attempts

Person left suicide note

Other legal problem

Job problem

School problem (we recommend limiting age grouping to youth since many older adults are no longer in school)

Recent suicide of friend or family

Intimate partner violence related


Crisis occurred or was imminent within two weeks of the incident

Current depressed mood

Ever treated for mental health problem

Other substance abuse problem

Abused as child

Argument over money/property/drugs
(Counts from 2011 and before are not comparable to counts from 2012 and after.)

Interpersonal violence victim

Other crime in progress

History of suicide thoughts/plans (available only for 2012 and after)

Disclosed intent to commit suicide

Recent criminal legal problem

Physical health problem

Financial problem

Eviction or loss of home

Other death of friend or family

Victim used weapon

Drug involvement

Step 4. Choose One or More Geographic Areas

All locations refer to the decedent’s county of injury. The mortality and injury mortality modules refer to the decedent’s county of residence. Therefore, county measures for violent death will not match between modules.

For reference see the region map and urban and rural map.

To select more than one area in a list, hold down the Control key while you select them.

Note: To see results for individual areas, first select the areas of interest here, then choose "Geographic Area" as a ROW variable or COLUMN variable (Step 6 or 7).

Step 5. Choose a Year or Multiple Years

Step 6. Choose a Specific Subpopulation (Optional)

To select more than one age range, hold down the Control key while you select them.

State of Residence


Rates will not be provided for Other or Uknown race.

Step 7. Choose A Row Variable


Step 8. Choose A Column Variable (Optional)


To send your request for data now.

To clear all selections and start over.


Last revised January 25, 2024