WISH Query: Injury-Related Mortality - 1999 and Later

(Data Updated January 2025)

This module provides data on injury-related deaths of Wisconsin residents from 1999 through the most recent available year.

Step 1. Select a measure

This is the observed count of deaths.

This is the observed rate and is displayed as the number of deaths per 100,000 residents. Please use this rate when describing injury among your population of interest. This rate should not be used to compare different populations or time periods to each other as we have not adjusted these rates to account for differences in age composition across populations.

We recommend that you select age-adjusted rates when making comparisons between two populations (for example, Southern Region injury rates compared to Northern Region injury rates), or two different time periods (for example, 2010 injury rates compared to 2015). Age-adjustment accounts for differences in age composition across populations and time. We use the Standard U.S. Population for Year 2000 for age-adjustment.

Rank is based on number of deaths and is not inclusive of all injuries. Injury cause categories in this option are mutually exclusive (see Technical Notes). If this option is selected, Steps 2, 6 and 7 will be skipped.

Step 2. Select ONLY ONE option from the list below.

The specific injury options listed below do not include ALL possible injury causes or manners. These options are also NOT mutually exclusive (for example, a motor vehicle death may also be classified as a traumatic brain injury death). Numbers and rates for specific types of injury deaths are based on underlying cause of death coding. The exception is for traumatic brain injury (TBI), which includes review of the contributing causes for manner of injury.

OR choose one of the following manners of firearm death (not inclusive of all manners):

OR choose one of the following:

OR choose one of the following methods of suicide (not inclusive of all methods):

OR choose one of the following manners of TBI injury death (not inclusive of all manners):

OR choose one of the following types of MV death (not inclusive of all types):

Step 3. Choose Area of Patient's Residence

Hold down the control (Ctrl) key to select multiple counties, regions, or regional trauma council areas.

Note: To see results for individual areas, choose "Geographic Area" as a ROW variable or COLUMN variable in Step 6 or 7 below.

See the region map, urban and rural map, or regional trauma advisory council map.

Step 4. Choose Year(s)

Choose the year in which the patient was discharged.

Note: WISH suppresses counts in cells that are less than 5 to comply with data privacy guidelines. Combine data years to increase cell counts.

Note: See Data Sources documentation to understand how injury mortality data may differ slightly from other WISH mortality modules.

Step 5. Choose Age, Sex, Race, and Ethnicity (Optional)

Rates will not be provided for Unknown race. Rates by race will only be provided for 2010 and more recent years (See Technical Notes for more information).
Rates will not be provided for Unknown ethnicity.

Step 6. Choose a Row Variable

Row Variable Note: cannot be used with a "Ranked Causes" query.

Step 7. Choose a Column Variable (Optional)

Column Variable Note: cannot be used with a "Ranked Causes" or "Age-adjusted Rates" query.

To send your request for data now.

To clear all selections and start over.


Last revised February 3, 2025