Blue-Green Algae: Keeping Our Lakes Clean

How can I prevent future algal blooms?

A rocky shoreline

Algal blooms often occur as a result of excess nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, in the water. Preventing algal blooms poses a significant challenge because once these nutrients are in the watershed they make take years to be flushed out. Nutrient management strategies such as reducing the use of phosphate-containing fertilizers and restoring natural shorelines can help to control nutrient loading in Wisconsin's lakes, rivers, and streams. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has a number of suggestions for lakefront property owners interested in reducing their contribution to nutrient loading.

You can help keep Wisconsin's lakes clean

  1. Minimize the use of lawn fertilizers.
  2. Do NOT use phosphate-containing fertilizers.
  3. Perform routine maintenance on your septic system.
  4. Plant natural vegetation around ponds and lakes to help filter runoff.


Last revised December 18, 2024