Wisconsin Healthcare-Associated Infections in Long-Term Care Coalition Resources
These resources provide vital information about infection prevention and control in long-term care facilities. This isn't a complete list. Many other groups and agencies can help.
- 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report
- Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship Guide
- Antimicrobial Stewardship
- Antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention-leveraging the synergy: A position paper update
- Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship for Nursing Homes
- Effect of a multifaceted intervention on number of antimicrobial prescriptions for suspected urinary tract infections in residents of nursing homes: cluster randomised controlled trial
- Minnesota Antibiotic Stewardship Commitment Toolkit Materials for Partners
- Pharmacist-Led Model of Antibiotic Stewardship in a Long-Term Care Facility
2017 Spring Conference: The Art and Science of Infection Prevention and Control
The conference was developed with DQA staff, nursing home providers, and members of the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition.
- Keynote Antibiotic Stewardship: Why it Matters in Nursing Homes & Where to Begin recording and keynote speaker slides (PDF)
- Antibiotics 101 recording and Antibiotics 101 speaker slides (PDF)
- Antibiotic Stewardship for LTC Facility Residents: A View from the Emergency Department recording and Antibiotic Stewardship for LTC Facility Residents: A View from the Emergency Department speaker slides (PDF)
- Clinical Microantibio + Grambiology in LTC: How Do I Decipher This? recording and Clinical Microantibio + Grambiology in LTC: How Do I Decipher This? speaker slides (PDF)
- Effective Professional Interaction Among the Medical Director, DON and Consulting Pharmacist in the Nursing Home Environment recording and Effective Professional Interaction Among the Medical Director, DON and Consulting Pharmacist in the Nursing Home Environment speaker slides (PDF)
- Improving Antibiotic Stewardship Use in Nursing Homes through Nudges and Mental Judo recording and Improving Antibiotic Stewardship Use in Nursing Homes through Nudges and Mental Judo speaker slides (PDF)
- Tapping into the Pharmacist for Antibiotic Stewardship recording and Tapping into the Pharmacist for Antibiotic Stewardship speaker slides (PDF)
- When to Submit a Urine Specimen for Testing? recording and When to Submit a Urine Specimen for Testing? speaker slides (PDF)
- Wisconsin Act 294 Formulary Management and Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Long-Term Care Facility recording and Wisconsin Act 294 Formulary Management and Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Long-Term Care Facility speaker slides (PDF)
- CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)
- World Health Organization calls for better hand hygiene and other infection control practices
Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition 2019 Hand Hygiene conference
The conference was for staff working in Wisconsin nursing homes. This event was presented by the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Division of Quality Assurance (DQA).
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Hand Hygiene and How They Relate to Long-Term Care Facilities speaker slides (PDF)
- Hand Hygiene Product Selection: It's Personal, Not Personnel speaker slides (PDF)
- Application of Human Factors/Systems Engineering to Hand Hygiene Promotion speaker slides (PDF)
- Hand Hygiene: A Patient Safety Imperative speaker slides (PDF)
- Hand Hygiene Surveillance the Science and Pragmatics speaker slides (PDF)
2017 Spring Conference: The Art and Science of Infection Prevention and Control
The conference was developed with DQA staff, nursing home providers, and members of the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition.
See Implementation Guides from the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). APIC Implementation Guides provide practical, evidence-based strategies for surveillance and the elimination of infection. Each guide includes online tools and resources. APIC provides guides on topics like:
- Preventing central-line associated bloodstream infections
- Hand hygiene programs for infection prevention
- Preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections
- Elimination of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) transmission
2017 Spring Conference: The Art and Science of Infection Prevention and Control
The conference was developed with DQA staff, nursing home providers, and members of the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition.
- Clostridium difficile in Long Term Care: What Have We Learned? recording and Clostridium difficile in Long Term Care: What Have We Learned? speaker slides (PDF)
- CDI (Clostridium difficile) and CRE (Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae) in Long Term Care Facilities: An Alphabet Soup of Gut recording and CDI (Clostridium difficile) and CRE (Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae) in Long Term Care Facilities: An Alphabet Soup of Gut speaker slides (PDF)
- Environmental Disinfection for Control of Healthcare–Associated Pathogens recording and Environmental Disinfection for Control of Healthcare–Associated Pathogens speaker slides (PDF)
- Managing Outbreaks in Post-Acute and Long Term Care Facilities recording and Managing Outbreaks in Post-Acute and Long Term Care Facilities speaker slides (PDF)
- NHSN Tracking Infections in Long-Term Care Facilities
- Recommended practices for surveillance: Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), Inc.
- Surveillance Definitions of Infections in Long-Term Care Facilities: Revisiting the McGeer Criteria
- Surveillance for Urinary Tract Infections
- Evaluation of Fever in Older Adults recording and Evaluation of Fever in Older Adults speaker slides (PDF)
Agencies and professional organizations
- CDC's Core Infection Prevention and Control Practices for Safe Healthcare Delivery in All Settings
- Considerations for Blood Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Administration
- Enhanced Barrier Precautions Implementation of Personal Protective Equipment in Nursing Homes to Prevent Spread of Novel or Targeted Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs)
- Infection Control Guidelines
- Infection Control in Health Care Facilities Seasonal Influenza
- National Healthcare Safety Network: Tracking Infections in Long-term Care Facilities
- Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
- TB Prevention in Health Care Settings Tuberculosis Infection Control
- Interpretive Guidelines for Long Term Care Facilities (PDF) - See CFR § 483.80, Infection Control regulations F880 through F883 beginning on page 755
- Nursing Homes
- CMS QSO-20-29 (PDF): Interim Final Rule Updating Requirements for Notification of Confirmed and Suspected COVID-19 Cases Among Residents and Staff in Nursing Homes - F884 - F885
- CMS QSO-20-38 (PDF): Interim Final Rule (IFC), CMS-3401-IFC, Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency related to Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility Testing Requirements - F886
- CMS QSO-21-19 (PDF): Interim Final Rule - COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization Requirements for Residents and Staff - F887
- CMS QSO-22-07 (PDF): Revised Guidance for the Interim Final Rule-Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination - F888
- Wisconsin Stat. ch. 252 Communicable Diseases
- Specific reporting requirements are described in Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 145, Control of communicable diseases
- A list of reportable conditions is provided in Wis. Stat. ch. 145 - Appendix A
- Division of Public Health Disease Reporting
- Reportable Multidrug-Resistant Organisms
- Preventing and Controlling Respiratory Illness Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities
Infectious diseases
- Preventing and Controlling Respiratory Illness Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities
- Respiratory Illness Data - See the weekly respiratory virus surveillance report and sign up to receive the report in an email.
- Immunizations: Influenza Vaccine Data - See reports on flu vaccinations for Wisconsin residents who have received at least one dose of flu vaccine during the season.
- Mandatory influenza vaccination for health care personnel - Immunize.org Honor Rolls for Patient Safety
- Infection Control in Health Care Facilities Seasonal Influenza
- Long-Term Care and Other Residential Facilities Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist (PDF)
- Preventing Seasonal Flu
- CDC Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care and Post-Acute Care Facilities
- U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report (FluView)
- CDC Clostridium difficile Guidelines and Prevention Resources
- Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDRO) Management Guidelines
- Wisconsin Reportable Multidrug-Resistant Organisms
- Wisconsin DPH Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Targeted Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Wisconsin Nursing Homes, P-03250
- Wisconsin DPH Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms for Health Care Settings, P-42513 (PDF)
- CDC Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care and Post-Acute Care Facilities
- Disease Reporting
- Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreaks in Wisconsin Long-Term Care Facilities, P-00653 (PDF)
2017 Spring Conference: The Art and Science of Infection Prevention and Control
The conference was developed with DQA staff, nursing home providers, and members of the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition.
CDC resources:
- Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005 (PDF)
- Clinical Testing Guidance for Tuberculosis: Health Care Personnel
- Frequency of Tuberculosis Screening and Testing for Health Care Personnel
- Baseline Tuberculosis Screening and Testing for Health Care Personnel
- TB 101 for Health Care Workers (web-based course)
Wisconsin DHS resources:
- Decision Tree: Tuberculosis Screening of Health Care Personnel (HCP) and Caregivers upon Hire, P-02530
- Decision Tree: Tuberculosis Screening of Patients/Residents upon Admission to Care Facilities, P-02529
- Tuberculosis Screening and Testing: Health Care Personnel and Caregivers, P-02382 (PDF)
- Tuberculosis Screening and Testing: Residents of Care Facilities, P-02382a (PDF)
- Wisconsin Tuberculosis Program
- Wisconsin Tuberculosis Program TB Risk Assessment and Symptom Evaluation, F-02314 (PDF)
- TB Risk Assessment and Symptom Evaluation for Annual Employment Screening, F-02314E (PDF)
- Clinical Uncertainties in the Approach to Long Term Care Residents with Possible Urinary Tract Infection
- Frequently Asked Questions About the Use of and Care for Leg Bags in the Long-Term Care Setting - AHRQ
- APIC Guide to Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Criteria
- Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors - Improving Evaluation of Urinary Tract Infections in the Elderly: Collaborative on Antibiotic Stewardship for Seniors in Long Term Care
- Surveillance for Urinary Tract Infections
- Wisconsin HAI Long-Term Care Education Series: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Toolkit (PDF)
Toolkits and training
Webcast video links
- 2019 Updates on Antibiotic Stewardship in Post-Acute and Long term Care Settings, Nov. 21, 2019
- DQA-Intervention to Nursing Home Physicians and Staff, July 18, 2011
- Vaccine Preventable Diseases Among Adults, May 18, 2017
Oxygen tubing
Oxygen Tubing In Nursing Homes and FDDs (PDF)
Stand-alone room air humidifier
Disclaimer about advisory council content
This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.