Consumer Guide: Finding and Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

An assisted living facility is a place for people who need some care but not 24-hour access to a caregiver. In Wisconsin, the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) licenses and regulates these types of assisted living facilities:

When looking for the right assisted living facility, it's important to find one that you like and trust. It should meet your needs. We have resources to help you find and choose the assisted living facility that works for you. You can also learn more about assisted living from our consumer town hall video.

Listen to the Assisted Living Consumer Town Hall

Assisted living facility resources

Expand the section that applies to you to view a list of resources. Select a link to learn more.

These resources can help you learn more about assisted living options. Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) doesn't refer people to specific assisted living facilities. We do offer many state and national resources, though, that can help you choose.

DQA takes routine surveys of assisted living facilities in Wisconsin. The goal is to make sure facilities meet state requirements and offer quality care. Results of surveys are public. These resources relate to the surveys:

These resources help you understand laws that protect you and your care.

These resources are for those who help an older adult or person with a disability and may need support.

  • Caregiving - Learn how to care for a person with Alzheimer's or dementia. Find resources and tips for caregivers from the Alzheimer's Association.
  • Consumer Voice - Find information on topics that help you advocate for quality care. This resource is from The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care.


Last revised March 3, 2025