Consumer Guide: Resources for Rural and Farm Residents and Workers
View the list of resources for people who live or work in rural settings. This includes farmers. Select a link to learn more.
- Consumer’s Guide to Health Insurance and Worker’s Compensation Insurance for Farm Families
(PDF) —Learn about three types of insurance that farm owners need to cover themselves, their families, and their workers:- Disability income insurance
- Health insurance
- Worker’s compensation insurance
- Finding and Choosing a Rural Health Clinic—Find health care near you.
- Health Care for Wisconsin Immigrants—Learn how to get health care coverage for you and your family, even if you weren’t born in the U.S. Find a version in English, Spanish, and Hmong.
- National Farm Medicine
Center —Get the latest news from the National Farm Medicine Center, a nonprofit program at the Marshfield Clinic. This program focuses on the health of U.S. farmers, ranchers, and others working with agriculture. - University of Wisconsin-Madison Agricultural Safety &
Health —Find health and safety information for farmers and farm workers in Wisconsin. - Cultivate Safety work guidelines for
youth —See if kids are ready for farming jobs. Includes guidance on what adults need to do, what kids are able to do, and a list of hazards. - AgrAbility of
Wisconsin —Find ways for farmers with disabilities and their families to achieve success. - Easterseals Wisconsin FARM
Program —Get help for farmers with disabilities, so they can keep farming. FARM stands for Farm Assessment Rehabilitation Methods.