Environmental Public Health Tracking: Cancer Data

Cancer is a term used for diseases where abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer is not just one disease, but many diseases; there are more than 100 different types of cancer. We track cancer because it could help us understand the links between cancer and the environment. Cancer is a major public health concern for every community in Wisconsin.

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Explore definitions and explanations of terminology found on this webpage, like age-adjusted rate and confidence intervals.

Frequently asked questions

Cancer begins in cells, the building blocks that make up tissues. Tissues make up many parts of the body. When new cells form that the body doesn't need and old or damaged cells don't die as they should, the cells form a mass of tissue called a lump, growth, or tumor.

Tumors in the body can be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer). Benign tumors are not as harmful as malignant tumors. The benign tumors can often be removed and usually don't grow back or spread to other parts of the body. The malignant tumors may be life-threatening and can often be removed but sometimes grow back. These tumors can invade and damage nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body.

Learn more about cancer on the Cancer Facts and Cancer Clusters webpage.

There is evidence of a link between cancer and environmental pollutants. Coming in contact with some things that cause cancer is potentially avoidable. For example, tobacco smoking can be avoided with behavioral changes.

Although environmental pollution has been a source of public concern for decades, there have only been a few well-studied cases of environmental exposures at the community-level. The cancer risks associated with many environmental chemicals are based on studies in the workplace, where exposures are often much greater than they would be in the general public. These earlier studies provide the foundation for building evidence that supports a link between cancers and exposures to environmental pollutants.

Other environmental factors are less controllable, such as cancer-causing materials released into the air. Some risk factors are unavoidable, such as age, race, or genetics. It is important to remember having a risk factor increases the chances a person will develop cancer, it does not mean the individual will for sure develop cancer. Many people who develop cancer do not have many or any of the currently known risk factors.

The portal provides data from the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System, which is maintained by the Office of Health Informatics, Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

We track cancers that were selected by a national workgroup based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific basis for environmental risk factors
  • Geographic variability or temporal trend in cancer incidence
  • Short latency cancer
  • Attributable risk
  • Feasibility of obtaining relevant environmental data
  • Possibility of public health or environmental intervention
  • Frequency (incidence rate)

We host data on the following cancers:

  • Bladder
  • Brain and Central Nervous System
  • Breast
  • Colon and Rectum
  • Esophageal
  • Kidney and Renal
  • Laryngeal
  • Liver
  • Leukemia (Acute and Chronic Lymphocytic, and Acute Myeloid)
  • Lung
  • Melanoma
  • Mesothelioma
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Oral Cavity and Pharyngeal
  • Pancreatic
  • Testis
  • Thyroid

For each type of cancer, users are able to view counts and the age-adjusted rate.

Learn more about these types of cancer by clicking the links below:

  • Overall reports of cancer cases dropped sharply for 2020. Cancer rates change from year to year because of changes in exposures to risk factors, screening test use, diagnostic practices, and treatment. Some changes in 2020 may also be due to disruptions in cancer care caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including reduced access to routine care, postponed or deferred health care visits, and delayed reporting of cancer cases due to disruptions in registry operations.
  • Reporting may be less complete from rural areas of the state.
  • Reporting may be less complete for cases where diagnosis and/or treatment occurs in a border state (such as those treated in Minnesota, Illinois, or Iowa).
  • Reporting completeness is different depending on the type of cancer.
  • Data users should keep in mind that many factors contribute to a disease. These factors should be considered when interpreting the data. Factors include:
    • Demographics (race, gender, age)
    • Socioeconomic status (income level, education)
    • Geography (rural, urban)
    • Changes in the medical field (diagnosis patterns, reporting requirements)
    • Individual behavior (diet, smoking)

Click the link below to download the data you're looking for:

County Data (CSV)

State Data (CSV)

Cancer data details

All cancers

Note that overall reports of cancer cases dropped sharply for 2020. Cancer rates change from year to year because of changes in exposures to risk factors, screening test use, diagnostic practices, and treatment. Some changes in 2020 may also be due to disruptions in cancer care caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including reduced access to routine care, postponed or deferred health care visits, and delayed reporting of cancer cases due to disruptions in registry operations.

Bladder cancer

Number of new bladder cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new bladder cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of bladder cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of bladder cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Cancer of the brain and central nervous system

Number of new brain and central nervous system cancer: ages 0-19

Counts of new brain and central nervous system cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of brain and central nervous system cancer per 1,000,000 people: ages 0-19

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of cancer of the brain and central nervous system reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Number of new brain and central nervous system cancer: all ages

Counts of new brain and central nervous system cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of brain and central nervous system cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of cancer of the brain and central nervous system reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Cancer of the Colon and Rectum

Number of new colon and rectal cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new colon and rectal cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of colon and rectal cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of colon and rectal cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Cancer of the esophagus

Number of new esophagus cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new esophagus cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of esophagus cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of esophagus cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Female breast cancer

Number of new female breast cancer cases: ages 0-49

Counts of new female breast cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of female breast cancer per 100,000 people: ages 0-49

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of female breast cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Number of new female breast cancer cases: ages 50+

Counts of new female breast cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of female breast cancer per 100,000 people: ages 50+

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of female breast cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Kidney and renal pelvis cancer

Number of new kidney and renal pelvis cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new kidney and renal pelvis cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of kidney and renal pelvis cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of kidney renal and pelvis cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Cancer of the larynx

Number of new larynx cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new larynx cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of larynx cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of larynx cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.


Number of leukemia: ages 0-19

Counts of new leukemia cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence leukemia per 1,000,000 people: ages 0-19

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of leukemia reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Number of leukemia: all ages

Counts of new leukemia cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of leukemia per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of leukemia reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Acute lymphocytic leukemia

Number of acute lymphocytic leukemia: all ages

Counts of new acute lymphocytic leukemia cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of acute lymphocytic leukemia per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of acute lymphocytic leukemia reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Acute myeloid leukemia

Number of acute myeloid leukemia: all ages

Counts of new acute myeloid leukemia cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of acute myeloid leukemia per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of acute myeloid leukemia reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Number of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: all ages

Counts of new chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of chronic lymphocytic leukemia per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of chronic lymphocytic leukemia reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Lung and bronchus cancer

Number of new lung and bronchus cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new lung and bronchus cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of lung and bronchus cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of lung and bronchus cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Liver cancer

Number of new liver cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new liver cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of liver cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of liver cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Number of new Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma cases: all ages

Counts of new non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.


Number of new melanoma cases: all ages

Counts of new melanoma cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of melanoma per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of melanoma reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.


Number of new mesothelioma cases: all ages

Counts of new mesothelioma cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of mesothelioma per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of mesothelioma reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx

Number of new oral cavity and pharynx cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new oral cavity and pharynx cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of oral cavity and pharynx cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of oral cavity and pharynx cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Cancer of the pancreas

Number of pancreatic cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new pancreatic cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of pancreatic cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of pancreatic cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Testicular cancer

Number of new testicular cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new testicular cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of testicular cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of testicular cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Thyroid cancer

Number of thyroid cancer cases: all ages

Counts of new thyroid cancer cases are reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin for a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed.

Age-adjusted incidence rates of thyroid cancer per 100,000 people: all ages

Incidence rates are calculated from the annual number of new cases (counts) of thyroid cancer reported to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System by health care providers in Wisconsin during a given year. Data for counties with fewer than six cases are suppressed to protect confidentiality and improve rate stability. However, counties with zero cases are not suppressed. Direct age-adjustment is conducted using the 2000 U.S. standard population.

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Last revised January 17, 2025