Influenza Immunization Resources for Health Care Providers
You are one of the most trusted sources of health information for your patients. In order to help you with recommending an annual flu vaccine, we have compiled resources for you to use along with the CDC's (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Health Care Provider Fight Flu Toolkit and our Respiratory Illness Vaccine Promotion Toolkit, P-02781 (PDF)
Please share this information widely so we can improve flu vaccination rates and reduce the spread of influenza.
Prepare your practice for flu season
It's not too late to make sure you have reviewed and incorporated CDC's guidance and recommendations for this flu season.
- Make sure you have reviewed the Advisory Council on Immunization Practices flu vaccine recommendations and the Wisconsin annual influenza letter (PDF) signed by Dr. Ryan Westergaard.
- Read up on other flu information for health care professionals.
Patient outreach and education
When contacting patients to increase their flu vaccination uptake, both patient education and patient outreach are important. Patient education mostly entails sharing the importance of flu vaccination while patients are in your offices, whereas the purpose of patient outreach is to remind patients to get their vaccines.
Patient outreach
Social media posts
- Share the graphics below or sample social media messages and images from the DHS Respiratory Illness Vaccine Promotion Toolkit, P-02781 (PDF) on your own social media channels.
- To download one of the below graphics on a PC:
- Right click on the link below the image, and select Open link in new tab.
- When the image loads, right click on the image, and select Save image as.
- To download an image on a Mac without a mouse, use a two-finger press on the trackpad and select Save image as.
- To download one of the below graphics on a PC:
- Also include information on free or lower-cost vaccine programs you have for the uninsured or underinsured on your social media or website.
Website additions and support
You can easily add CDC’s flu content, flu buttons, and flu widgets to share flu information on your website.
Appointment reminder templates
Create reminder/recall notices, P-02400 (PDF) through the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) to set up call, text, and email reminders to help your patients stay on top of their vaccinations.
Patient education
Strong vaccine recommendations
Your trusted voices can make all the difference in increasing vaccination rates.
- Learn how to make a strong influenza vaccine recommendation.
- See message maps and background information on how to promote flu and other respiratory illness vaccinations among people who are pregnant with the DHS Toolkit, P-02781c (PDF).
- Use DHS’ CASE method to make the CASE for vaccination, P-02718 (PDF).
- Share personal stories of those impacted by flu, because not everyone is convinced by facts and data.
Flu Resource Center
- Visit CDC's Flu Resource Center where you will find posters and print materials, infographics, and fact sheets in different sizes, formats, and languages for different audiences. Or order up to 50 free hard copy materials (like coloring books, stickers, postcards and more in English or Spanish) from Families Fighting Flu!
- You can also put animated images, videos, or trivia questions on TVs in waiting or exam rooms or upload them to your website.
- Looking for other resources or posters for your office? Check out the Wisconsin Influenza Prevention page, Los Angeles’ Department of Public Health’s posters, or the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s innovative education resources.
Vaccination clinical and administration information
- MMWR: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2023-24 Influenza Season
- Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
- CDC's Pink Book: Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
- Supply and distribution questions and answers
- Vaccine dosage and administration questions and answers
- Storage and handling toolkit (PDF)
- Maintaining the cold chain for vaccines
Questions about these resources? Contact us!
Email Stephanie Borchardt, Wisconsin Immunization Program Epidemiologist at
Phone: 608-266-9923