Official DHS Forms Library

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Assigned Number Title Sort descending Division Language Release Date File Type Available to Order
F-11088 Prior Authorization / Health and Behavior Intervention Attachment (PA/HBA) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11088 Prior Authorization / Health and Behavior Intervention Attachment (PA/HBA) DMS English 07/2012 Word
F-11088A Prior Authorization / Health and Behavior Intervention Attachment (PA/HBA): Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11044 Prior Authorization / Home Health Therapy / Attachment (PA/HHTA) DMS English 07/2012 Word
F-11044 Prior Authorization / Home Health Therapy / Attachment (PA/HHTA) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11044A Prior Authorization / Home Health Therapy / Attachment (PA/HHTA): Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11036 Prior Authorization / In-Home Treatment Attachment (PA / ITA) DMS English 12/2019 PDF
F-11036 Prior Authorization / In-Home Treatment Attachment (PA / ITA) DMS English 12/2019 Word
F-11036A Prior Authorization / In-Home Treatment Attachment (PA / ITA): Completion Instructions DMS English 12/2019 PDF
F-03325 Prior Authorization / Intensive Outpatient Program (PA/IOP) DMS English 02/2025 PDF
F-03325 Prior Authorization / Intensive Outpatient Program (PA/IOP) DMS English 02/2025 Word
F-03325A Prior Authorization / Intensive Outpatient Program (PA/IOP) Instructions DMS English 02/2025 PDF
F-11033 Prior Authorization / Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Evaluation Attachment (PA / EA) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11033 Prior Authorization / Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Evaluation Attachment (PA / EA) DMS English 07/2012 Word
F-11033A Prior Authorization / Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Evaluation Attachment (PA / EA) Completion Instructions DMS English 10/2008 PDF
F-11066 Prior Authorization / Oxygen Attachment (PA/OA) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11066 Prior Authorization / Oxygen Attachment (PA/OA) DMS English 07/2012 Word
F-11066A Prior Authorization / Oxygen Attachment (PA/OA): Completion Instructions DMS English 08/2015 PDF
F-11016A Prior Authorization / Physician Attachment (PA/PA) Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11019 Prior Authorization / Physician Otological Report (PA/POR) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11019 Prior Authorization / Physician Otological Report (PA/POR) DMS English 07/2012 Word
F-11019A Prior Authorization / Physician Otological Report (PA/POR) Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11305 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Cytokine and Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) Antagonist Drugs for Crohn's Disease DMS English 01/2016 PDF
F-11305A Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Cytokine and Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) Antagonist Drugs for Crohn's Disease: Completion Instructions DMS English 01/2016 PDF
F-11307 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Cytokine and Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) Antagonist Drugs for Plaque Psoriatic Arthritis DMS English 12/2012 PDF
F-11307A Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Cytokine and Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) Antagonist Drugs for Plaque Psoriatic Arthritis: Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2015 PDF
F-11308 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Cytokine and Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) Antagonist Drugs for Plaque Rheumatoid Arthritis DMS English 12/2012 PDF
F-11308A Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Cytokine and Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) Antagonist Drugs for Plaque Rheumatoid Arthritis: Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2015 PDF
F-00694A Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Cytokine and Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) Antagonist Drugs for Ulcerative Colitis Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2015 PDF
F-00622 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Migraine Agents, Injectable DMS English 06/2012 PDF
F-00280 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Migraine Agents, Other DMS English 07/2013 PDF
F-11097 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Stimulants and Related Agents DMS English 09/2019 Word
F-11097 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Stimulants and Related Agents DMS English 09/2019 PDF
F-11097A Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Stimulants and Related Agents: Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2015 PDF
F-00080 Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Symlin DMS English 10/2011 PDF
F-00080A Prior Authorization / Preferred Drug List (PA/PDL) for Symlin Completion Instructions DMS English 07/2015 PDF
F-11031 Prior Authorization / Psychotherapy Attachment (PA/PSYA) DMS English 07/2012 Word
F-11031 Prior Authorization / Psychotherapy Attachment (PA/PSYA) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11031A Prior Authorization / Psychotherapy Attachment (PA/PSYA) Completion Instructions DMS English 10/2008 PDF
F-02567 Prior Authorization / Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Attachment (PA/RSUD) DMS English 02/2023 PDF
F-02567 Prior Authorization / Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Attachment (PA/RSUD) DMS English 02/2023 Word
F-02567A Prior Authorization / Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Attachment (PA/RSUD), Instructions DMS English 02/2023 PDF
F-11039 Prior Authorization / Spell of Illness Attachment (PA/SOIA) DMS English 10/2015 PDF
F-11039 Prior Authorization / Spell of Illness Attachment (PA/SOIA) DMS English 10/2015 Word
F-11039A Prior Authorization / Spell of Illness Attachment (PA/SOIA): Completion Instructions DMS English 10/2015 PDF
F-11032 Prior Authorization / Substance Abuse Attachment (PA/SAA) DMS English 07/2012 Word
F-11032 Prior Authorization / Substance Abuse Attachment (PA/SAA) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11032A Prior Authorization / Substance Abuse Attachment (PA/SAA) Completion Instructions DMS English 10/2008 PDF
F-11037 Prior Authorization / Substance Abuse Day Treatment Attachment (PA/SADTA) DMS English 07/2012 PDF
F-11037 Prior Authorization / Substance Abuse Day Treatment Attachment (PA/SADTA) DMS English 07/2012 Word


Last revised December 4, 2024