Official DHS Forms Library

Forms produced by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services are available electronically and/or for paper order. Review the "Available to Order" column below to ensure availability in paper format. If the document is available to order in a paper version, there will be a "Yes" with a link to ordering instructions. When you are searching for a document, enter the number or a portion of the title in the search box below. To narrow your search results even more, place quotation marks (" ") around search terms.

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Assigned Number Title Sort descending Division Language Release Date File Type Available to Order
F-01205C IRIS Participant Education: One-Time Expense Requests DMS English 11/2019 Word
F-01205CAR IRIS Participant Education: One-Time Expense Requests, Arabic DMS Arabic 11/2019 PDF
F-01205CH IRIS Participant Education: One-Time Expense Requests, Hmong DMS Hmong 11/2019 Word
F-01205CKA IRIS Participant Education: One-Time Expense Requests, Karen DMS Karen 11/2019 PDF
F-01205CKR IRIS Participant Education: One-Time Expense Requests, Korean DMS Korean 11/2019 PDF
F-01205CR IRIS Participant Education: One-Time Expense Requests, Russian DMS Russian 11/2019 Word
F-01205CS IRIS Participant Education: One-Time Expense Requests, Spanish DMS Spanish 11/2019 Word
F-01205J IRIS Participant Education: Self-Directed Personal Care DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-01205JAR IRIS Participant Education: Self-Directed Personal Care, Arabic DMS Arabic 02/2017 PDF
F-01205JH IRIS Participant Education: Self-Directed Personal Care, Hmong DMS Hmong 02/2017 Word
F-01205JKA IRIS Participant Education: Self-Directed Personal Care, Karen DMS Karen 02/2017 PDF
F-01205JKR IRIS Participant Education: Self-Directed Personal Care, Korean DMS Korean 02/2017 PDF
F-01205JR IRIS Participant Education: Self-Directed Personal Care, Russian DMS Russian 02/2017 Word
F-01205JS IRIS Participant Education: Self-Directed Personal Care, Spanish DMS Spanish 02/2017 Word
F-01201C IRIS Participant Employer / Participant - Hired Worker Agreement DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-01201CH IRIS Participant Employer / Participant - Hired Worker Agreement, Hmong DMS Hmong 02/2017 Word
F-01201CR IRIS Participant Employer / Participant - Hired Worker Agreement, Russian DMS Russian 02/2017 Word
F-01201CS IRIS Participant Employer / Participant - Hired Worker Agreement, Spanish DMS Spanish 02/2017 Word
F-01201A IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Relationship Identification DMS English 03/2023 Word
F-01201AH IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Relationship Identification, Hmong DMS Hmong 03/2023 Word
F-01201AR IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Relationship Identification, Russian DMS Russian 03/2023 Word
F-01201AS IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Relationship Identification, Spanish DMS Spanish 03/2023 Word
F-01201 IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Set-Up DMS English 09/2020 Word
F-01201H IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Set-Up, Hmong DMS Hmong 09/2020 Word
F-01201R IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Set-Up, Russian DMS Russian 09/2020 Word
F-01201S IRIS Participant-Hired Worker Set-Up, Spanish DMS Spanish 09/2020 Word
F-02833 IRIS Performance Improvement Project Annual Report DMS English 07/2021 PowerPoint
F-01310A IRIS Program Conflict of Interest Disclosure - Participant DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-01310 IRIS Program Conflict of Interest Disclosure - Provider DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-01200 IRIS Program Cost Share Repayment Agreement DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-01314 IRIS Program Employment Checklist DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-02432 IRIS Program HIPAA Breach and Unauthorized Disclosure Reporting DMS English 10/2022 Word
F-01309 IRIS Program Orientation and Enrollment Checklist DMS English 04/2019 Word
F-01312 IRIS Provider Application DMS English 12/2022 Word
F-01203 IRIS Provider Education - Health and Safety - Incident Reporting DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-03197 IRIS SDPC - Prior Authorization Notification - Transfer from MAPC to IRIS SDPC DMS English 07/2023 Word
F-01566 IRIS Self-Directed Personal Care (SDPC) - My Cares DMS English 02/2020 Word
F-01258 IRIS Self-Directed Personal Care (SDPC) Disclosure Statement DMS English 06/2019 Word
F-01258FR IRIS Self-Directed Personal Care (SDPC) Disclosure Statement, French DMS French 06/2019 Word
F-01258S IRIS Self-Directed Personal Care (SDPC) Disclosure Statement, Spanish DMS Spanish 06/2019 Word
F-01319D IRIS Self-Directed Personal Care (SDPC) Involuntary Disenrollment Request DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-01578A IRIS SharePoint - Request for User Setup DMS English 06/2024 Word
F-03342 IV Ketamine Infusion Therapy Attestation DMS English 01/2025 Word
F-03342 IV Ketamine Infusion Therapy Attestation DMS English 01/2025 PDF
F-00989M Justification for Services Provided in Locations Other than Natural Environments (IFSP) DMS English 02/2017 Word
F-00989MS Justification for Services Provided in Locations Other than Natural Environments (IFSP), Spanish DMS Spanish 02/2017 Word
F-03102 Katie Beckett Disability Evaluation Form DMS English 11/2022 PDF
F-03102 Katie Beckett Disability Evaluation Form DMS English 11/2022 Word
F-03144 Katie Beckett Medicaid Disability Redetermination: Provider Information DMS English 09/2024 Word
F-03144H Katie Beckett Medicaid Disability Redetermination: Provider Information, Hmong DMS Hmong 09/2024 Word


Last revised December 4, 2024