Children's Long-Term Support Council
Upcoming council meeting
May 21, 2025
Over 15,000 children in Wisconsin have disabilities requiring long-term support. The Council for Children with Long-Term Support (CLTS) Needs is charged with providing recommendations to the Secretary regarding the needed infrastructures, accountability measures and mechanisms, financing systems, training programs, program design elements, efficiencies and statewide equity and consistency necessary to implement service delivery systems in communities throughout the State. The outcome of these recommendations is a CLTS system that provides services, supports, and other assistance that address the needs of children with long-term support needs and their families who want to live, learn, and participate in all aspects of community life. The Charge for the Council for Children with Long-Term Support Needs (PDF) was revised in February 2024.
Get involved in the Wisconsin IDD-MH System Improvement project
The Wisconsin Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health (IDD-MH) System Improvement Report (PDF) came out in June 2024. It gives 37 specific recommendations for improving systems and services for people with IDD-MH needs in Wisconsin. Now, the project steering committee is getting ready to choose which of the 37 recommendations to start working on, and who will work on them. Visit the Wisconsin IDD-MH System Improvement webpage to learn about upcoming opportunities to get involved.
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This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.