Birth to 3 Program: County Performance Data

Federal rules require that the state report each year on the how well the state is doing under the State Performance Plan. An annual performance report is submitted each year by February to the Secretary of U.S. Department of Education. It is also made public.

Each year, Wisconsin must also publicly report on how well each county Birth to 3 program is doing. Performance is judged on the federal indicators as given in the annual performance report.

You can also view and compare the county data reported each federal fiscal year.

Annual performance reports by fiscal year

County determinations

Local Birth to 3 programs are evaluated based on county-level results and compliance each fiscal year. Local programs are then given a determination status based on their scores. Below are the results from the most recent fiscal year. Click on a county to review its most recent determination status.

Determination statuses:

  • Meets Requirements (scored 80-100%): the local program meets the requirements and purposes of the Birth to 3 Program
  • Needs Assistance (scored 65-79%): the local program needs assistance with meeting the requirements and purposes of the Birth to 3 Program
  • Needs Intervention (scored 50-64%): the local program needs intervention to meet the requirements and purposes of the Birth to 3 Program
  • Needs Substantial Intervention (scored 49% and below): the local program needs substantial intervention to meet the requirements and purposes of the Birth to 3 Program

Fiscal year 2022-2023 county determinations issued in 2024

Meets requirements

Needs assistance

Needs assistance year 2

Needs intervention


Instructions and template

Follow-up activities resources


Last revised July 26, 2024