Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans

Improving D-SNPs in Wisconsin

The Department of Health Services (DHS) is working to improve the experience members have with both Medicare and Medicaid coverage in Wisconsin. See what we’re doing and how you can get involved on the Improving Access to Medicare and Medicaid Coverage webpage.

A Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan, also called a D-SNP, is a kind of Medicare Advantage plan for people who have both Medicare and Medicaid.

D-SNPs cover hospital, medical, and prescription costs—all in one plan, with little or no costs. The plans have provider networks. You may need to see doctors who are in your plan's network to have your bills covered.

D-SNPs work best when you’re enrolled in the same company’s HMO (health maintenance organization) for Medicaid. That way, the same company provides both your Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

Medicare and Medicaid usually don't coordinate. Separate companies provide managed care for each plan.

Two unlocked puzzle pieces when Medicare and Medicare are not coordinated

Medicare and Medicaid benefits are coordinated. When you have a Medicare D-SNP and Medicaid HMO or managed care organization (MCO) through the same company.

Two locked puzzle pieces showing coordinated Medicare and Medicaid insurance

Is a D-SNP plan right for me?

To find out:

Default enrollment notices

If you’re enrolled with an SSI Medicaid HMO and getting Medicare for the first time, you may be enrolled with a Medicare D-SNP offered by the same HMO you currently have for your SSI Medicaid. This is called “default enrollment.”

These are examples of default enrollment notices sent by D-SNP organizations:

The following companies conduct default enrollment:

  • Elevance Health (Anthem): Anthem MediBlue Dual Advantage (HMO D-SNP) (H9525-003)
  • iCare: iCare Medicare Plan (HMO D-SNP) (H2237–001)
  • Managed Health Services (WellCare): WellCare Dual Access (HMO D-SNP) (H8189-001)
  • Molina: Molina Medicare Complete Care (HMO D-SNP) (H2879-001)
  • UnitedHealth Care: UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete LP1 (HMO-POS D-SNP) (H3794-002)

See which D-SNPs are available in your county

Use the D-SNP spreadsheet (Excel) to filter for plans.

For some plans, costs depend on what type of Medicaid you have. People with full Medicaid and/or the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Medicare Savings Program have lower costs than people with other types of Medicaid. Learn more in the Medicare Savings Programs publication, P-10062.

This information supplements what's on the Medicare.gov Plan Finder.

Resources for professionals

Professionals can access D-SNP resources on the GWAAR Medicare Outreach and Assistance Resources webpage under Dual Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs).


Last revised March 20, 2025