Office of Health Informatics Sign-Up
Follow the links below if you would like to be notified by email when the Wisconsin Office of Health Informatics (OHI) releases a new report or updates a web publication. Email addresses collected will be used only to provide notification by email when OHI releases a new report and will not be shared with any other entity. You will be able to manage all of your subscriber preferences by following the links to the GovDelivery system. If you have any other comment or questions about this page, send an email to the Data Resource Center at
Various health topics lists
- Demography: This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding Life Expectancy data and other related information.
- Local Data: This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding local data, counties and local health departments
- Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System (WCRS) Publications: This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding the WCRS as well as information for reporters and partners.
- Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH): This list provides updates when new data are available in WISH, new features have been added to WISH as well as any other information related to Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH).
Population surveys lists
- Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS): This list provides results from the annual survey, reports on special topics, and notifications about new Wisconsin BRFS data made available on the WISH query system.
- Family Health Survey (FHS): This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding the Wisconsin Family Health Survey topics. Some topics include health insurance coverage in Wisconsin, health status/health conditions, and utilization of health care services.
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS): This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding the Wisconsin PRAMS study. Some survey topics include safe sleep, breastfeeding, post-partum depression and access to prenatal care.
Vital records data lists
- Abortions: This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding reported induced abortions in Wisconsin and other related information
- Births: This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding Wisconsin births statistics, teen births statistics and other birth related information.
- Deaths: This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding death statistics and mortality rates in Wisconsin and other death related information.
- Marriage and Divorce: This list provides updates and release notifications for publications and reports regarding marriage and divorce statistics in Wisconsin and other related information.