A certification for a person who comes up with a way to manage asbestos in a building.
In Wisconsin, a person must be certified to do asbestos work. An asbestos management planner certification is for a person who comes up with a way to manage asbestos in a building. They suggest the best response actions.
One year. Both a half-day annual asbestos inspector refresher training and a half-day annual asbestos management planner refresher training are required to renew.
$125 per year
You must be 18 or older. You also must complete a three-day asbestos inspector initial training course followed by a two-day asbestos management planner initial training course.
See Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 159, Subchapter
There are two ways to apply:
- Apply for asbestos certification
online. - Submit the Asbestos Individual Application, 44017 (paper form).
Wisconsin statute
Wis. Stat. ch 254, Subchapter
Wisconsin administrative code
Wis. Admin. Code ch DHS
Other agencies involved
Program information
The Asbestos Program makes sure asbestos professionals are trained, certified, and work safely.