Wisconsin Primary Care Program: Students
This page provides students in the health professions with information on the following topics:
- Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs
- Student Learning Experiences
- Internship and Residency
- Working with Underserved Populations
- Community Health Information and Resources
- Job Searching
- Professional Associations
National Health Service Corps
The NHSC is a federal program that seeks to improve access to care in underserved areas of the country by offering scholarship assistance and loan repayment to eligible primary care, dental, and mental health clinicians. In order to receive the scholarship or loan repayment, providers must agree to provide a minimum of two years of service in a high-need Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA).
Wisconsin Health Professions Loan Assistance Program
The HPLAP is Wisconsin's state loan repayment program. It seeks to increase the number of primary care, dental, and psychiatrist providers working in underserved rural and urban areas of the state. Interested persons should contact Kevin Jacobson at kmjacobson2@
NURSE Corps Scholarship
The NURSE Corps Scholarship Program is a federal program targeted to nursing students enrolled in diploma, associate, baccalaureate or graduate nursing programs. The scholarship will cover tuition, required fees, and reasonable education costs and provides a monthly stipend. Upon completion of their nursing training scholarship, recipients will be expected to serve a minimum two-year service commitment at a Critical Shortage Facility in a high-need HPSA.
Nurse Corps Loan Repayment
The Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program is a federal program targeted to bachelor's or master's degree trained nurses employed as registered nurses. In order to receive an award, nurses must work in a Critical Shortage Facility for nursing that's located in a HPSA.
Indian Health Service
The IHS offers scholarship and loan repayment opportunities to qualified American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) citizens. The scholarship
Wisconsin Medical Society (WMS)
The foundation of the WMS offers a number of scholarship, student loan, and fellowship opportunities for students in medical school in Wisconsin.
Student learning experiences
Wisconsin Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
The Wisconsin AHEC system provides programs to strengthen community-based health professional education and community health education. This programming is carried out in a variety of ways, some of which are described below.
- Study
Wisconsin – Opportunity for student advancement and training outside of the regular school curriculum - Wisconsin
Express – Opportunity for health professions students to explore health care delivery in medically underserved areas and work with students across disciplines - Community Health Internship Program
(CHIP) – Summer internship program with placements in local health departments
Other useful information may be found on the AHEC student
Internship and residency
State of Wisconsin Student Diversity Internship
An internship program specifically targeting students across culturally diverse groups with various lived experiences, representing the global spectrum ethnicity, gender, and ability. The goal of the program is to provide those students with an opportunity to experience the professional work environment of Wisconsin State Government.
University of Wisconsin Department of Family
Working with underserved populations
Wisconsin Department of Health Services Minority Health Program
The Minority Health Program provides statewide leadership on policy measures that aim to improve the health of vulnerable populations in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association
WPHCA provides support to Wisconsin's Community Health Centers and serves as a resource on access to care.
Wisconsin Office of Rural Health
The ORH works to improve access to and the quality of health care provided in rural areas of the state.
Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative
The RWHC is a collaborative network of rural hospitals that advocates for policies that will improve health care delivery in rural areas; assists members to offer high-quality, cost effective health care; and helps them to partner with others to make their communities healthier.
Center for Urban Population Health
CUPH conducts and facilitates population health research and educational initiatives that seek to improve the health of urban communities.
Community health information and resources
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Community Health Improvement Assessment and Plans
The process in which Wisconsin communities develop and implement local health plans to address health conditions that affect their residents.
University of Wisconsin County Health Rankings and
The Rankings and Roadmaps Project helps communities create solutions that will make it easier for people to make healthy choices. The health rankings portion of the project illustrates which issues are making people sick in a particular county. The roadmaps portion of the project shows what communities can do to create healthier places to live, work, and play.
Job searching
National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Health Workforce
An online job search engine that will display job vacancies nationwide at health care sites that are eligible placements to receive NHSC loan repayment. Some sites will be eligible placements to fulfill NHSC scholarship obligations. These vacancies may be filled by anyone who is qualified; individuals are not required to have interest in the loan repayment program.
National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network
3RNet is a national network of members affiliated with nonprofit organizations that help to recruit health professionals to rural areas.
Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC) Career
Search for health care vacancies in rural areas of Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants (WAPA) Career
Search for physician assistant vacancies in Wisconsin.