WisTech Assistive Technology Credentials
WisTech, under direction of the Statewide Assistive Technology Advisory Council, has established assistive technology (AT) credentials for providers in Wisconsin. These credentials recognize the experience, knowledge, and dedication to provide high quality, consumer-driven AT services in a timely manner.
WisTech offers AT credentials depending on the provider's background experience:
- WisTech Verified ATP Credential
- WisTech AT Credential
The curriculum for the credentials will be hosted online though Canvas, an online learning management system.
For 2025, the WisTech AT credentials will be made at no cost to those participating.
Applications are being accepted for enrollment in the AT Credential and Verified ATP Credential courses with an anticipated launch date during the Summer of 2025. Complete the AT Credential Application Form if you are interested in taking the course.
After successfully completion of coursework credential holders will be required to submit proof of continuing education (CEUs) every two years for renewal.
WisTech Verified ATP Credential
This credential is for those providers who hold the Assistive Technology Provider (ATP) international credential from Rehabilitation and Engineering Society of North America (RESNA). The WisTech ATP credential consists of three learning modules, a self-knowledge check, and aligns with the renewal date of the providers RESNA ATP credential.
WisTech AT Credential
This credential is for those providers who are expanding their knowledge in the areas of AT, assessments, and service delivery. The WisTech AT credential will consist of approximately 12 learning modules, self-knowledge checks, AT product reviews, and a sample report writing activity. This credential will be valid for two years and renewable with submission of ongoing professional development in the area of assistive technology. There will be additional required readings through supplemental materials. This curriculum will also benefit service providers who are interested in pursuing the ATP certification from RESNA in the future.
For more information, contact WisTech by phone at 608-514-2513 or by email to dhswistech@dhs.wisconsin.gov