Children’s Programs Email Addresses
Are you having trouble keeping track of what to send to which email address? See the list below for some quick tips on what should be sent to each one.
The Birth to 3 Program email ( is for counties to send:
- Part C grant comments.
- Comments on specific projects.
- Social-emotional innovation grant emails.
The Birth to 3 Data Manager email ( is for counties to send:
Annually verifying program data associated with the federal Annual Performance Report as well as county determinations.
The Birth to 3 Fiscal email ( is for counties to send:
- Birth to 3 reconciliation forms.
- Birth to 3 allocation or budget questions
The BCS TAC email ( is for program partner leads seeking assistance in operationalizing children's program requirements.
The CCOP email ( is for counties to send CCOP Annual Plans.
The CLTS email ( is for counties to send:
- Restrictive Measures Application Packets.
- Enrollment questions.
The CLTS Fiscal email ( is for counties to send:
- Completed support and service coordination (SSC) rate-setting forms.
- Questions about the CLTS Reconciliation Packet.
The CLTS FS email ( is for:
- Questions related to screen selections.
- Questions related to screen outcomes.
- Rescreens that result in not functionally eligible (NFE). These must be sent to this email box whether or not the screener agrees with the result.
- Initial screens that result in NFE. These may be sent to this email box whether or not the screener agrees with the result.
- Other screen questions.
CLTS FS transfer requests for screens completed by Katie Beckett field staff should be sent to the Katie Beckett Program email box. For CLTS FS Waiver screen transfers, contact the owning agency to complete the transfer.
The CLTS High Cost email ( is for high-cost (including home modifications) and exceptional expense requests.
The CLTS Provider email ( is for counties and waiver providers to send:
- Information to set up and manage third party administration (TPA) for providers.
- Questions about provider authorization issues.
- Timely filing waiver requests.
- Information to resolve provider payment issues.
- Questions about the CLTS data warehouse.
- Questions about the CLTS Waiver Program Benefit Code Crosswalk, P-02283.
- Questions about CLTS Waiver Program County Waiver Agency (CWA) Provider Registry Gateway access and use.
- Provider communication about the registry and directory.
The Katie Beckett Medicaid email ( is used by several of our partners, including but not limited to Katie Beckett field staff, counties, and families. This email is used to assure timely responses to our partners. Our partners send various notifications and requests to this email address. Some of these include:
- General questions about Katie Beckett Medicaid.
- Requests for applications to Katie Beckett.
- Submission of paperwork.
- Questions related to the status during the application and recertification eligibility process.
- Demographic changes of current participants.
- Changes in functional eligibility of current participants from county partners.
- Requests for transfers of CLTS FS to CWAs owned by Katie Beckett.
- Notification of appeal requests received by the Division of Hearing and Appeals (DHA).
- CLTS FS transfer requests.
The SOS Help Desk email ( should be used for:
- Technical issues related to the CLTS FS.
- Changes in screeners’ email or contact information.
- Errors with identifying information that the screener is unable to change.
- Technical issues related to the Program Participation System.
- Master customer index (MCI) number, level of care, and parental payment liability fee issues in the ForwardHealth CLTS Waiver Enrollment Wizard. This includes the error messages “Member not found or no level of care in FSIA” and “The Member does not have a [sic] LOC for the requested enrollment period.”
This does not include the error message “The member is not Medicaid eligible for enrollment at this time.” This and other issues regarding the ForwardHealth Portal and CLTS Waiver Enrollment Wizard technical support issues can be addressed by the ForwardHealth Portal Help Desk at 1-866-908-1363.
Remember to encrypt personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) such as member name, Social Security number, birth date, or MCI number.