Substance Use Treatment Programs: Recovery Residence Registry

A key attached to the house tag on wood background

Recovery residences are home-like, residential environments that promote healthy recovery from a substance use disorder and support persons recovering from a substance use disorder through the use of peer recovery support.

Looking for a recovery residence? Please review the Recovery Residence Registry directory (PDF).

Recovery voucher grant program

The program is designed to help people experiencing homelessness who also have an opioid use disorder find safe and stable housing in a recovery residence. More information can be found at the Department of Administration’s Recovery Voucher Grant Program website.

Approval process

To have a recovery residence placed on the registry, you must complete the application process. In accordance with Wis. Stat. 46.234(4): A recovery residence is not required to register with the department unless the recovery residence seeks referrals under sub. (5) or state or federal funds passing through the state treasury.

Review and complete the Recovery Residence Registry Application, F-02706 (Word).

Submit your completed application to

Your recovery residence will be added to the Recovery Residence Registry directory (PDF) 60 days after receipt of a completed application. Incomplete applications will be returned for resubmission within 10 business days. The department will request a new application to confirm the recovery residence is still in operation yearly. If your recovery residence closes or has changes please email

If you have questions regarding opening, operating, or funding for owners, please reach out to


Last revised February 28, 2025