Health Insurance Status

This page provides information about health insurance coverage among Wisconsin residents, based on estimates from the Wisconsin Family Health Survey. Topics include the number and percent without health insurance; insurance status over the past year; and kinds of health insurance coverage (public and private).

Links are also provided to other Family Health Survey reports, to Wisconsin Medicaid statistics, and to reports on health insurance coverage from previous years.

Wisconsin Health Insurance Coverage, 2021 (annual report) (May 2023)

Online in Wisconsin: Findings from the Wisconsin Family Health Survey, 2015 Release, P-01143 (PDF). This report offers information about internet access among adult Wisconsin household residents.

American Indian Health in Wisconsin, 2015 Release: Results from the Family Health Survey, P-01094 (PDF) (September 2015). This fact sheet presents statistics on the health and health care of Wisconsin's American Indian population.

Children's Health and Family Income: Wisconsin Family Health Survey, 2009-2011, P-01002 (PDF). This fact sheet (April 2015) presents results on the relationship between family income and children's health and health care in Wisconsin.

Local Data on Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage in Wisconsin (October 2013). Web tables for counties, regions, and the state that provide estimates of the number and percent of the population by poverty status, health insurance coverage over the past year, and type of health insurance.

Reviewing the Family Health Survey – Presentation by U.W. Survey Center staff, Sept. 26, 2013

Reports from previous years

Medicaid statistics

Contact information

Carlie Allison Malone
Wisconsin Family Health Survey


Last revised May 10, 2023