Memos Library
The Department of Health Services issues memos to partners and providers regarding policies and procedures and how they should be operationalized.
DCTS Action Memos
DCTS Action Memos inform partners and providers of immediate action required regarding programs and policies.
DCTS Information Memos
DCTS Information Memos provide program and policy updates to DCTS partners and providers.
DMS Administrator's Memos
DMS issues Administrator's Memos to provide direction regarding Department policies, program administration, and funding, among others.
DMS Information Memos
DMS Information Memos communicate information with its partners and providers.
DMS Numbered Memos
DMS Numbered Memos usually detail actions that our partners and providers could or should take regarding the programs that DMS administers.
DMS Operations Memos
DMS issues operations memos to the consortia regarding public assistance policies and procedures and how they should be operationalized.
The Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources (BADR) periodically publishes numbered memos to update providers and interested parties of important information.
The Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health periodically publishes numbered memos to update providers and interested parties of important information.
DPH Community Health Promotion
DPH memos inform partners and providers of immediate action required regarding programs and policies.
DPH Communicable Diseases Memos
DPH periodically publishes numbered memos to update providers and interested parties of important information.
DPH EMS Numbered Memos
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) issues numbered memos to update providers and interested parties of important information.
DQA Memos
DQA issues memos to provide policies, information and interpretation of federal and state regulations and guidelines of the programs regulated by DQA.