Wisconsin Primary Care Program: Community Health Centers
“Community Health Centers” are facilities that meet the requirements of the federal Community Health Center Program and are intended to increase access to comprehensive primary care, dental, and mental health care for underserved populations. To be eligible to apply for federal community health center (CHC) grants, facilities must:
- Be public or nonprofit health care organizations that meet all federal CHC requirements.
- Be located in or serve a designated Medically Underserved Area or Population (MUA/MUP).
- Be governed by a community board where at least 51% of board members are health center patients.
- Provide comprehensive primary health care, preventive dental care, mental health care and supportive services.
- Provide services to low-income Medicaid, Medicare and un/underinsured populations (using a sliding fee schedule).
Wisconsin has 17 CHCs located around the state that receive federal CHC grants.
Funding Support
- Organizations can apply for competitive federal CHC grants (new access point or planning grant) or expansion grants for current CHCs. The grant offsets the cost of care for low-income, uninsured patients
- CHCs are eligible for cost-based reimbursement for Medicaid and Medicare services
- Revenue can be obtained from billing any private insurance and patient co-pays from sliding fee schedule
- Other CHC benefits include participation in: Federal Tort Claims Act, Drug Pricing Discounted Purchases, federal loan guarantees for capital improvements, Vaccines for Children Program, eligible site for National Health Service Corps provider recruitment assistance
- CHCs are also eligible for a portion of the State Community Health Center Grant funding
Resources for Communities Interested in Developing a Community Health Center
- Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration CHC Program – The federal program's website with all program guidance, application information and requirements, and a current listing of all CHCs.
- Medically Underserved Area/Population designations
- Request an application for a new HPSA or MUA/MUP designation from the State Primary Care Program.
- MUA/MUP map
- Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association - How a community can establish a community health center, technical assistance and training for CHCs, and assistance with development of community applications for new CHCs.
State Community Health Center Grant
The Wisconsin Primary Care Program also manages state grants to federally funded community health centers and health care for the homeless centers. To be eligible for the state grants, these community-governed clinics must be located in a designated Medically Underserved Area/Population (MUA/MUP) and must already receive a federal grant through the Health Resources and Services Administration Community Health Centers program.
The federally funded community health centers and health care for the homeless centers are located throughout the state. They provide access to comprehensive primary care, dental care and mental health services to low-income, uninsured, and homeless populations in their rural or inner-city communities that have shortages of health professionals. More information on community health and health care for the homeless centers is available:
HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care
Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association
Questions about these state grants should be directed to:
Jaime Olson
Primary Care Program
Division of Public Health
P.O. Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659
Phone: 608-267-1440