Health IT: Privacy and Security of Health Information

The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other state privacy and security laws create a right to privacy and protect personal health information. These laws help shape an environment where patients are comfortable with the electronic sharing of health information. Ultimately, developing public trust in health care professionals to adhere to privacy and security laws is needed to realize the full benefit of health information technology-enabled health information exchange.

Sharing protected health information electronically

Privacy and security are important health care topics. It is essential health care providers have online access to patient health information while, at the same time, protecting it from privacy violations and security breaches. Achieving the right balance is the key to privacy and security in the electronic health care environment.

We know that patients can be just as concerned about quality of care as they are about the privacy and security of health information. Importantly, HIPAA not only protects health information from misuse, but also enables protected health information (PHI) to be accessed, used, or disclosed when and where it is needed for patient care. For example, in certain treatment cases, health care professionals are permitted to use and disclose PHI without first obtaining an individual’s authorization.

Source: The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), Protecting Your Privacy and Security

HIPAA Permitted Uses and Disclosures of Health Information

Timely sharing of patient information balanced with HIPAA Privacy Rule

For more information, providers can read these Understanding Some of HIPAA's Permitted Uses and Disclosures fact sheets on permitted uses and disclosures.

Health care consumers and professionals' role in protecting health information

Read below to better understand the different roles that health care consumers and professionals play in protecting health information.

Additional state and federal privacy and security resources

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Last revised January 18, 2024