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OBVI: Adjusting to Vision Loss - Phase Six: Coping and Mobilization

The "I can" or the "some things I do in a different way" phase.

Coping refers to the process of learning to manage the demands of one's physical and social environment. While learning new skills and developing resources, people in the coping phase frequently comment that they feel self-conscious in public. This phase is where the individual's support system can have the most effect by being encouraging and supportive.

Emphasis is on ability, and the individual should be encouraged to take an active part in planning any activity he participates in. A little confidence gained from a successful experience has a way of generating even more confidence.

The Role of Professionals

OBVI's role in the coping phase is to facilitate the development of appropriate adjustment behaviors and attitudes. This is when people do best in the rehabilitation process.

First, according to Tuttle (2004), accurate information about vision loss and its implications must be available.

Second, a sequential program to teach adaptive skills is required for independence.

Finally, fostering the development of healthy attitudes and feelings toward the vision loss, self, and others is vital. It is necessary to remember that:

  • Individuals may demonstrate a fear of failure and need support.
  • There will be periodic reappearances of anger and frustration.
  • An individual's support system needs to encourage the three components of the adjustment process:
  1. The knowledge of coping - cognitive
  2. The behavior of coping - action
  3. The feeling of coping - affective

Phase Seven: Self-Acceptance and Self-Esteem
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Tuttle, Dean W., and Naomi R. Tuttle. Self-esteem and Adjusting with Blindness: The Process of Responding to Life's Demands. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 2004. Print.


Last revised June 8, 2022