Public Health Registries: Promoting Interoperability
The Division of Public Health (DPH) has the capability to electronically receive the following data from Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT):
- Cancer Data: Directly to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System (WCRS)
- Electronic Case Reporting: Directly to the Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS)
- Immunizations: Directly to the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) or through the Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network (WISHIN) to WIR
- Electronic Lab Reporting: Directly to the Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS) through the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH)
- Syndromic Surveillance: Directly to the BioSense Platform or through DPH and/or WISHIN to the BioSense Platform
Providers who would like to electronically submit data from CEHRT to Immunizations, electronic case reporting, electronic lab reporting, and/or Syndromic Surveillance programs must register through the public health registration for electronic data submission system (PHREDS) regardless of their intent to participate in Promoting Interoperability.
Organizations that are already in production, onboarding, and/or registered with an existing registration through PHREDS do not have to fill out a new registration.
Steps to register
- Choose the public health data your organization plans to electronically submit (e.g., immunizations, electronic case reporting, electronic lab reporting, and/or syndromic surveillance data).
- To learn about a public health program’s onboarding process (e.g., technical and resource capacity, information required to register, and detailed onboarding checklist), select one of the program links on the top left menu.
- To learn how Wisconsin providers can meet public health Promoting Interoperability standards, visit the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) Promoting Interoperability
- Register using the PHREDS registration form to demonstrate your intent to electronically submit data and/or meet public health Promoting Interoperability measures.
- If the organization does not have an existing registration, fill out the online new registration
form . If you are not sure if a registration exists, please email the eHealth team at to inquire. - If updates need to be made to an existing registration, fill out the online update
form . If you need access to the existing registration, send an email to the eHealth team at and a copy will be sent.
- If the organization does not have an existing registration, fill out the online new registration
- Wait in the queue.
- Organizations in the queue are awaiting an invitation to begin the onboarding process from the public health program. To learn about a public health program’s onboarding process, select one of the program links on the top left menu.
- Participate in the onboarding process.
- Onboarding is the testing and validation process providers and public health programs engage in prior to ongoing submission of production data.
- Attestation requests for CMS Promoting Interoperability.
- To request attestation information, fill out the online attestation request
form and select what programs you need. You will work with each registry individually. - Acknowledgement files from 2024 will be available on the PHREDS SharePoint or can be requested from the eHealth team. For questions and requests, email the eHealth team at eHealth@ .
- To request attestation information, fill out the online attestation request
Disclaimer: All PHREDS registration data is stored in a secure environment. PHREDS registration data is shared with DPH for public health purposes
Have questions about public health Promoting Interoperability?
Promoting Interoperability is the standard by which providers demonstrate the use of CEHRT in ways that can positively affect the care of patients. For more information about participant requirements, including ongoing deadlines, visit the websites linked below.
- For more information about CMS rules for hospitals, see the Promoting Interoperability Programs page on the CMS
website. - For more information for eligible professionals and merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS), visit the MIPS requirements on the CMS
website .
If you have questions concerning the registration process, email the eHealth team at eHealth@