For Immediate Release
June 1, 2023
Jennifer Miller, 608-266-1683
Elizabeth Goodsitt, 608-266-1683

DHS Selects Providers for New Homeless Assistance Program

Initiative provides housing consultation, transition, sustaining, and relocation supports

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has awarded grants for a new program designed to help families and pregnant people experiencing homelessness. Using funds from the Children’s Health Insurance Program Housing Support Initiative, selected homeless assistance providers will offer a set of supportive housing services, including housing consultation, transition supports, sustaining supports, and relocation supports. Wisconsin is the first state to implement this type of housing benefit with CHIP funds.

"At DHS, we believe every family deserves a safe and stable home, and our Children’s Health Insurance Program Housing Support Initiative is a step toward making that a reality for families experiencing homelessness in Wisconsin," said DHS Secretary-designee Kirsten Johnson. "We are proud to introduce the grant awardees who will provide these essential services and support families on their journey to stability and health."

The initiative will support a grant program for homeless assistance providers, also known as Continuum of Care member agencies, allowing them to deliver supportive housing services to eligible families. One agency each from the Dane, Racine, and Milwaukee Continuum of Care regions and five agencies throughout the Balance of State Continuum of Care region will collaborate with housing providers to deliver supportive housing services. The selected agencies are:

  • Dane Continuum of Care region: YWCA Madison
  • Racine Continuum of Care region: Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization (HALO)
  • Milwaukee Continuum of Care region: Community Advocates
  • Balance of the State Continuum of Care region:
    • CW Solutions, LCC
    • Family Promise of Washington County
    • House of Hope Green Bay
    • Renewal Unlimited, Inc.
    • Shalom Center of Interfaith Network

Eligible participants include families with children ages 18 and younger and pregnant people with income below 200% of the federal poverty level and no housing. Participants will be able to access:

  • Housing consultations that will prepare families by developing a housing support plan.
  • Transition supports that help families prepare for and make the move to new housing.
  • Relocation supports that provide financial support to help families move from temporary living spaces to their own housing.
  • Sustaining supports that assist families with keeping their housing after they move.

"This initiative is a crucial step toward ending homelessness in Wisconsin and improving the health and well-being of families in need,” said Medicaid Director Jamie Kuhn. “DHS looks forward to working with the selected agencies and the communities they serve to help families achieve stability and success.”

For more information, visit the Housing Support Services Health Services Initiative page on the DHS website.


Last revised March 20, 2025