Wisconsin Minority Health Resources

Safety Net Providers in Wisconsin Online Resources by Population Group (PDF)

Safety Net Providers in Wisconsin: A list of low-cost or free clinics in Wisconsin by specialty. (PDF)

HIV testing in pregnancy: the perspective of minority women (PDF)
Read the results of this survey, conducted in Milwaukee as part of a partnership initiative with the Affirmative Action Committee, the AIDS/HIV program and the Minority Health Program with cooperation from Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Sixteenth Street Community Health Center, and Milwaukee Health Services.(March 23, 2010)

Health Statistics
This page provides links to a wide variety of health statistics and health care information from the Department of Health Services.

Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS)
The Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS) is a representative, statewide telephone survey of Wisconsin household residents aged 18 and older.

Affirmative Action and Civil Rights Compliance
The Department of Health Services Affirmative Action/Civil Rights Compliance Office works with the Department's contractors and vendors to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, regulations and departmental policies and procedures prohibiting discrimination in service delivery. The Office develops and administers the Department's Civil Rights Compliance Plan for contractors/vendors to comply with their federal Title VI responsibilities. The Office also investigates discrimination complaints.

Tribal Affairs Office, Office of the Secretary, DHS  
The major function of the Tribal Affairs Office is to assist in the effort to maintain an effective government-to-government relationship with Wisconsin tribes. Tribal governments are distinct, independent political communities qualified to exercise powers of self-government, not by virtue of any delegation of powers, but rather by reason of their original tribal sovereignty.

State-Tribal Consultation Initiative 
In 2004, Governor Doyle issued Executive Order #39, recognizing the government-to-government relationship between the state and tribal governments and requiring strengthening of the working relationship between the two governments.

NAHEC Dimensions of Diversity blog 
The Northern Wisconsin Area Health Education Center (NAHEC) has created a blog that is designed to be a place on the Web to post information about diversity training and other cultural competency information.

Census Special Tabulation of Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Information from Census 2000 - Wisconsin

Wisconsin Coalition for Linguistic Access to Health Care
The Wisconsin Coalition for Linguistic Access to Health Care is a statewide coalition formed in the summer of 2003 in response to Wisconsin's growing demand for medical interpreting. Its members include medical interpreters, educators, health care providers, advocates and others dedicated to improving access to culturally competent professional health care interpreter services in Wisconsin.



Last revised March 4, 2025