Mental Health: Youth Day Treatment

Mental health day treatment services for youth are meant to relieve behavioral and emotional challenges. They require a doctor’s referral. Services happen in a non-residential setting, meaning youth don’t stay the night.

Provider locations

Use the map below to find a mental health day treatment services for youth provider near you. Contact the provider to learn more about their program.

Learn more

Expand the section below that applies to you for more information on mental health day treatment services for youth.

Mental health day treatment for youth takes place in a safe, structured, supportive, and therapeutic space. All youth who are admitted get an in-depth evaluation of their needs. A licensed clinician completes the evaluation. This process helps create a personal treatment plan.

Who is eligible?

To qualify for treatment, youth must:

  • Have a primary psychiatric diagnosis of mental illness or severe emotional disturbance.
  • Not be able to benefit from a less restrictive treatment program.
  • Be able to benefit from program services.
  • Meet at least one of these criteria:
    • Show major dysfunction in two or more basic parts of life. Require program services to gain or restore skills needed to perform well in those areas.
    • Need a transition period. This could be from a hospital, residential treatment center, or other institutional setting. Transition time will help with returning to live in the community.
    • Have periods of acute crisis or other severe stress. These may require a hospital or institution without the level of services the program provides.
  • Meet program criteria:
    • Age range
    • Funding restrictions
    • Source of referral
    • Other requirements for the specific program design

What services are offered?

The services received depends on the youth's personal care plan. Highly skilled professionals provide all services. Services may include:

  • A structured therapeutic setting.
  • Psychiatric or psychological consultation.
  • Guidance from a doctor or nurse.
  • Initial assessment by a mental health professional.
  • Development and application of a personal treatment plan.
  • Occupational therapy and/or structured recreational or vocational services.
  • One-on-one and/or family therapy.
  • One-on-one and/or group counseling by a mental health professional.
  • Ongoing case reviews.
  • Social work services. Includes case management, community liaison, family contact, and interagency communication.
  • Discharge planning.
  • Aftercare follow-up after the program is complete.

What is the family's role?

When a young person has emotional or behavioral challenges, it affects all family members. All caregivers and family members are involved for the entire process of mental health day treatment. Caregivers and family members are a leader in the youth's treatment planning. Staff offer reassurance, education, and support for the youth's caregivers and family members.

Families who need help navigating the system of care for children with emotional or behavioral challenges can contact the Wisconsin Wayfinder to connect with a children's resource guide.


Last revised March 21, 2025