HIV Care and Treatment: HDAP Information for Clients

What is HDAP?

Person sitting at a table scrolling through their phone

The Wisconsin HIV Drug Assistance Program (HDAP) helps ensure people living with HIV have access to:

  • Health insurance, and
  • Medication for:
    • HIV.
    • Hepatitis C, if they have both HIV and hepatitis C.
    • The prevention or treatment of other health conditions.

A list of the medications covered by HDAP can be found in the HDAP Formulary, P-02760 (PDF).

Who is eligible?

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be living in Wisconsin
  • Have a household income at or below 300% of the federal poverty guidelines
  • Be living with HIV, confirmed by a doctor

You will be asked about your health insurance to make sure that HDAP is the payer of last resort for services that can be paid for by health insurance.

How to apply

You can apply:

You can either mail your completed application to:

Division of Public Health
PO Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659

Or send via email to or send a fax to: 608-266-1288.

If you’re approved, you’ll get an approval letter. We’ll also let your pharmacy know. This is the pharmacy that will give you your approved medicines, and bill the program.

For more information, call 800-991-5532 or send an email to

If you’re living with HIV, there are many things you can do to stay healthy and protect others.

Some include:

  • Discussing your HIV status with your sex and needle-sharing partners.
  • Getting support from care providers and others.
  • Reducing the risk to others by taking your medicine as prescribed. This ensures the amount of HIV in your body is small enough that it cannot be passed on to others through sex.
  • Working with your health care and social service providers to address any health concerns you may have.

Here are some online resources:


Last revised March 5, 2025