HCBS Settings Rule: Using the HCBS Provider Portal to Become Compliant
Providers of home and community-based (HCBS) settings can use the new HCBS provider portal to become compliant with the HCBS Settings Rule.
Which settings can use the HCBS provider portal?
You can use the new portal to become compliant with the HCBS Settings Rule if:
- You are a current provider of one of the HCBS services listed below and do not yet have an HCBS Notice of Compliance.
- You plan to become a provider of one of these services within the next 12 months.
Nonresidential settings:
- Adult day services settings
- Prevocational settings
- Group supported employment settings
- Children's day services settings (See Implementation of Federal Home and Community -Based Services Settings Rule in Wisconsin, P-02428 (PDF) for more information.)
Learn more about HCBS nonresidential settings at HCBS Settings Rule: Compliance for Nonresidential Service Providers.
How do I become an HCBS compliant provider?
If you meet the criteria above, follow these steps to become compliant with the HCBS Settings Rule.
1. Confirm HCBS compliance is needed.
Confirm that your setting is offering one of the HCBS service types identified above.
For the Children's Long-Term Support Program (CLTS), only providers of day services need to be HCBS compliant. For adult day care centers, providers do not use the portal to become compliant. Find HCBS Settings Rule compliance information for adult day care settings at Adult Day Care Centers or email DHSDQALCCS@dhs.wisconsin.gov.
2. Review and comply with benchmarks.
Review the list of HCBS Benchmarks applicable to each service type offered by your setting. These benchmarks are a roadmap toward HCBS compliance and will help determine what types of supportive documents will be required as part of the HCBS compliance process.
- HCBS Settings Rule Benchmarks: Adult Day Service Settings, P-03481 (PDF)
- HCBS Settings Rule Benchmarks: Children’s Long Term Day Service Settings, P-03481a (PDF)
- HCBS Settings Rule Benchmarks: Prevocational Settings, P-03481b (PDF)
- HCBS Settings Rule Benchmarks: Group Supported Employment Settings, P-03481c (PDF)
3. Gather documents.
Once you have reviewed the benchmarks, you may begin gathering the information and documents needed during the review process. These documents may include, but are not limited to:
- Setting policies and procedures
- Participant Handbook
- Person-centered assessments and plans (redacted) for 3-5 HCBS individuals
- 3-5 Behavior Support Plans (redacted)
- Current activity and outings calendars
- Photos of your settings’ exterior and interior spaces as related to the applicable benchmarks
- Employee training records
- Visitor logs
After reviewing the benchmarks and preparing your documents, you are ready to request an HCBS compliance review.
4. Contact DHS for an HCBS review.
Send an email to DHSHCBSReview@dhs.wisconsin.gov. DHS staff will answer your questions and supply HBCS providers with information about creating an account in the HCBS provider portal.
Once you have established your provider account, you will be able to enter the information for all HCBS settings operated by your agency into the portal.
This will begin the review process for each setting type. The portal contains written instructions and other resources designed to help navigate the HCBS Settings Rule and review process. Here you will also be able to upload supportive evidence of HCBS compliance with each benchmark.
After you have entered all setting information and uploaded supportive documents to the HCBS provider portal, DHS staff will complete a review of these documents. When this review is complete, an onsite review will be scheduled. Onsite visits must take place in person at the setting and are not available in virtual form.
5. Receive your notice of compliance.
Upon completion of the document and onsite reviews, and successful remediation, if applicable, your setting will be issued a Notice of HCBS Compliance. This notice is required in order for your setting to receive Medicaid waiver funding through Family Care, IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct), and CLTS Program.
Contact information
To request an HCBS compliance review for adult day settings, prevocational settings, group supported employment settings, and children’s day services settings, email DHSHCBSReview@dhs.wisconsin.gov or call 608-261-6393.
Find HCBS Settings Rule compliance information for adult day care settings at Adult Day Care Centers or email DHSDQALCCS@dhs.wisconsin.gov.
HCBS settings rule citation
The information provided on this page is published in accordance with 42 C.F.R. 441.301(c)(4).