Pharmacy Newscapsule

The Pharmacy Newscapsule is a newsletter that is published regularly by the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA). This newsletter is a means of providing up-to-date information to staff who survey health and residential facilities regulated by DQA.

The material is presented with a "surveyor focus." However, the information has been informative and helpful to providers and others as well.

DQA Pharmacy Newscapsules

Disclaimer: Efforts are made to assure accurate information is contained in these newsletters, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The content in these newsletters is intended to be used as an informational tool by DQA survey staff and is not intended as a directive to providers regarding care for patients or residents.

Contact Us

Comments can be directed to Doug Englebert, Pharmacy Consultant by email at or by phone at 608-266-5388.


Last revised July 19, 2024