Division of Public Health, Office of Preparedness and Emergency Health Care (OPEHC)

OPEHC is responsible for public health and hospital preparedness, classification of Level 3 and Level 4 trauma centers, and the licensing of emergency medical services in Wisconsin.

Natalie Easterday, Director

1 W. Wilson, Room 1150
Madison, WI 53701

Emergency Health Care and Preparedness - supports and enhances the capacity of the state, local public health departments/Tribes, and the health care system to prepare for public health threats and emergencies through planning, exercising, responding and training. Functions include planning, coordination and responsibility for: grant management/contract administration; pandemic influenza; the Strategic National Stockpile; performance measures and requirements, including training, drills, exercises and After Action reports; communication (routine, risk, media); partnering and outreach; liaison roles with other public and private agencies, local health departments/tribes, hospitals, workgroups, expert panels and committees; Volunteer Registry; partner communication and alerting; and WI Train (e-learning management system).

The Office includes the State Trauma Program, whose mission is to ensure that all trauma patients in Wisconsin receive comprehensive trauma care, Emergency Medical Services for Children and Emergency Medical Services (EMS), which oversees all licensing, education, training, policy and practice issues related to emergency medical services, manages ambulance service provider grants, and coordinates EMS activities statewide. The Office is responsible for assuring that pre-hospital patient care standards are met; evaluating the effectiveness of services provided; and following up on deviations from care standards and other state regulations.

The Office maintains a close working relationship with local health departments, tribal health centers, health care providers, a wide variety of community-based direct service agencies, as well as with other state and federal agencies, including Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the U.S. Health Resources and Service Administration.


Last revised August 8, 2022