Division of Public Health, Bureau of Community Health Promotion
The Bureau of Community Health Promotion provides a statewide model of integrative public health programming across the life span. The Bureau maintains key relationships with local health departments, community-based organizations, private voluntary organizations, academic and health care provider networks. Major functions include:
- Statewide development and implementation of program practices and policies
- Development of federal grant applications
- Development and enforcement of standards and guidelines related to chronic disease, family health including children with special needs, injury, nutrition and tobacco prevention and control
- Review of existing and proposed legislative proposals
The Bureau of Community Health Promotion has four sections: Chronic Disease Prevention and Cancer Control, Family Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control, and WIC and Nutrition.
The Chronic Disease Prevention and Cancer Control Section plans, promotes, implements and evaluates comprehensive population and evidence-based programs using best practices in the following areas:
The Family Health Section improves the health of women, infants, children, teens, and families as they progress through life's critical developmental milestones. The Family Health Section emphasizes prevention, early screening, and early intervention. Programs include:
Commercial Tobacco Prevention and Treatment is dedicated to reducing tobacco's burden in every Wisconsin community by preventing smoking initiation in youths and adults, promoting treatment for persons with tobacco-related addictions, and protecting all residents from exposure to environmental smoke.
The WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children) and Nutrition section oversees the provision of several programs that provide nutritious foods and information for healthy growth to low-income families. These programs promote and maintain the health and well-being of nutritionally at-risk pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children.
Jennifer Ullsvik, Bureau of Community Health Promotion Director
1 W. Wilson, Room 218
Madison, WI 53701