Division of Medicaid Services (DMS)
DMS supports Wisconsin’s Medicaid programs and FoodShare program and provides access to health care, long-term care, and nutritional assistance to more than one million Wisconsin residents who are elderly, have a disability, or have low income. DMS administers the Medicaid programs to medically needy and low-income individuals and families, as well as long-term support and services for older adults and services for people of all ages with disabilities. DMS administers other programs like FoodShare, state-funded Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program benefits, as well as Medicaid-funded subprograms, including primary and acute care services, Medicaid reimbursement to nursing homes, BadgerCare Plus, SeniorCare, Family Care, Family Care Partnership, IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct), and children's long-term care services. DMS also includes the Disability Determination Bureau, which administers the federal Social Security Administration (SSA) and Medicaid disability determination; and Milwaukee Enrollment Services (MilES), which administers income maintenance services for Milwaukee County.
Programs and services within the Division of Medicaid Services
BadgerCare Plus
A health care coverage program for low-income Wisconsin residents including children, pregnant women, and adults.
Birth to 3 Program
This program is for children ages birth to 3 years old. Eligibility is based on a diagnosed disability or significant developmental delay in how your child plays, learns, speaks, and acts.
Caretaker Supplement
Parents who receive SSI and are living with and caring for their minor children may be able to get an additional monthly cash benefit.
Children's Community Options Program
This program provides a coordinated approach to supporting families who have a child with a disability.
Children's Long-Term Support Program
This program is for children and young adults under the age of 22 with significant developmental, physical, or emotional disabilities. Funding is available to help support children to remain living in their home or community.
Disability Determination Bureau (DDB)
The DDB makes the decision regarding Wisconsin residents who are applying to be determined disabled by the Social Security Administration.
Estate Recovery
Wisconsin is required by state and federal laws to recover some of the money used to pay for certain services for Medicaid members.
Family Care Partnership Program
The Family Care Partnership Program is an integrated health and long-term care program for frail elderly and people with disabilities.
Family Care Program
Family Care is a Medicaid managed long-term care program for frail elders and adults with disabilities. The program provides a wide range of health and long-term care services.
Family Planning Only Services
The Family Planning Only Services Program provides men and women certain family planning-related services to prevent unplanned pregnancies.
FoodShare is Wisconsin's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and it helps low-income Wisconsin residents buy food.
IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct)
The IRIS program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services waiver for self-directed long-term supports. The program is an option for adults with long-term care needs.
Katie Beckett Medicaid
This program is for children under 19 with long-term disabilities or complex medical needs. Children who are not eligible for other Medicaid programs because the income or assets of their parents are too high, may be eligible for Medicaid through the Katie Beckett Program.
Medicaid for the Elderly, Blind or Disabled (EBD Medicaid)
EBD Medicaid provides health care coverage to people who are age 65 and older, blind or who have a disability.
Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP)
MAPP offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working with the chance to buy health care coverage from the Medicaid Program.
Medicaid State Plan
The Medicaid State Plan is the officially recognized statement describing the nature and scope of Wisconsin's Medicaid program.
Milwaukee Enrollment Services (MilES)
MilES manages all aspects of public assistance programs in Milwaukee County, including determining eligibility and providing ongoing case management.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
If you do not have a way to get to your medical appointment or you have a car and are able to drive yourself but cannot afford to pay for gas, you can get a ride, bus tickets, or money for gas if you are enrolled in certain BadgerCare Plus or Medicaid programs.
SeniorCare is Wisconsin's prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents who are 65 years of age and older and meet program rules.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI is a monthly cash benefit paid to people with limited income who are age 65 or older or people of any age who are blind or disabled.
Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program (WCDP)
The WCDP offers health care assistance to Wisconsin residents with chronic renal disease, hemophilia, and adult cystic fibrosis
Division of Medicaid Services
PO Box 309
Madison, WI 53707-0309
Email: dhswebmaildms@dhs.wi.gov