Bureau of Communicable Diseases Webinars

Audio equipment with three microphones.

The Bureau of Communicable Diseases (BCD) holds regular webinars on timely communicable disease topics. Webinars are led by subject matter experts from the Department of Health Services (DHS).

Communicable diseases health care provider webinars

The DHS Bureau of Communicable Diseases hosts the Communicable Diseases Webinar for Health Care Providers on the first Friday of every month. This webinar series began in March 2020 as a forum to provide urgent COVID-19 updates to Wisconsin providers. Since May 2022, the webinar has expanded to share timely updates and about a variety of public health issues that are relevant to health care providers and other members of the health care and public health community in Wisconsin.

Webinars occur via Zoom on the first Friday of every month from 7–8 a.m.

Sign up for our DHS Health Alert Network (HAN) email list to receive the webinar information and other DHS Health Alert Network messages.

Sign up to receive HAN emails

After you subscribe to the HAN email list, you will receive a link to our live webinar via email approximately one week prior to our next webinar. If you have ideas for new topics or questions you would like to submit to our presenters in advance, email Johanna Melton at Johanna.Melton@dhs.wisconsin.gov (questions should be received by 2 p.m. on Thursday prior to the webinar date to be considered).

These webinars are recorded each month. The most recent webinar recordings are provided below.

The list below contains links to Communicable Diseases Healthcare Provider Webinar recordings since May 2022. Click on the title to view the webinar recording.

Webinars recorded between March 2020 and May 2022 were part of the COVID-19 healthcare provider webinar series and are archived in the health care provider webinar library.

Note that data or recommendations presented in archived webinars are not updated and may not represent the latest guidance.


March 7, 2025
Title: Measles Update with Additional Updates on Mpox, Respiratory Viruses, Dengue Virus, Oropouche Virus, and Avian Influenza (H5N1)
Topics: Avian influenza (H5N1), respiratory viruses, mpox, dengue virus, oropouche virus, measles
Presenters: Jordan Mason, Rebecca Osborn, Angela Maxted, Stephanie Schauer

February 7, 2025
Title: Respiratory Virus Activity in Wisconsin with Additional Updates on Mumps Testing and Avian Influenza (H5N1)
Topics: Avian influenza (H5N1), respiratory virus activity, mumps
Presenters: Angela Maxted, Thomas Haupt, Stephanie Schauer

January 10, 2025
Title: Universal Blood Lead Testing Results and Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Surveillance 
Topics: Avian influenza (H5N1), respiratory virus update, blood lead testing, Streptococcus pneumoniae
Presenters: Angela Maxted, Jessica Maloney, Kimberly Schneider, Susann Ahrabi-Fard, Megan Lasure


December 6, 2024
Title: Syphilis 101 and Surveillance Update
Topics: Avian influenza (H5N1), syphilis
Presenters: Angela Maxted and Craig Berger

November 1, 2024
Title: Respiratory Virus Surveillance Update
Topics: Marburg virus, avian influenza (H5N1), pertussis, respiratory virus surveillance
Presenters: Anna Kocharian, Anna Marciniak, Angela Maxted, Stephanie Schauer, Thomas Haupt

October 4, 2024
Title: Respiratory Virus Vaccine Update
Topics: Avian Influenza (H5N1), perinatal hepatitis C treatment, respiratory vaccines
Presenters: Angela Maxted, Caroline Mohr, Stephanie Schauer

September 13, 2024
Title: Legionnaires' Disease Update with Additional Updates on Mpox Clade 1, Oropouche Virus, and Avian Influenza (H5N1)
Topics: Legionnaires' disease, mpox clade 1, oropouche virus, avian influenza (H5N1)
Presenters: Rebecca Osborn, Angela Maxted, Frances Goglio

August 2, 2024
Title: Outpatient antibiotic stewardship, with Updates on COVID-19, Respiratory Disease Data, Vaccination, Avian Influenza, and Hepatitis C
Topics: COVID-19 and respiratory disease data, seasonal vaccination recommendations, avian influenza (H5N1), perinatal hepatitis C, antibiotic stewardship
Presenters: Anna Kocharian, Stephanie Schauer, Angela Maxted, Caroline Mohr, Lindsay Taylor

July 12, 2024
Title: Heat and Health Tools: New releases from Federal Partners and Wisconsin’s Climate and Health Program
Topics: Heat related tools, avian influenza (H5N1), pertussis, Diamond Shruumz poisoning
Presenters: Stephanie Schauer, Angela Maxted, Elizabeth Polter, Katharine Beardmore

June 7, 2024
Title: Updates on Avian Influenza (H5N1): Current Outbreak, Clinical Recommendations, and Considerations for Farm Worker Health
Topics: Avian influenza (H5N1)
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Thomas Haupt, William Kinsey, Mariah Hennen

May 3, 2024
Title: Seasonal Updates on Illnesses Spread by Ticks and Mosquitoes
Topics: Clinical management of tick bites, alpha-gal syndrome, and dengue virus
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Rebecca Osborn

April 5, 2024
Title: Staying Alert for Measles: Update on the Current National Outbreak and Clinical Signs
Topics: Measles
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Joseph McBride, Stephanie Schauer, Daniel Shirley

March 1, 2024
Title: Candida auris and Other Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms in Wisconsin
Topics: Candida auris, Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms, mpox, measles, COVID-19
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Greta Michaelson, Megan Lasure

February 2, 2024
Title: Applying Harm Reduction Approaches in Clinical Care
Topics: Harm Reduction, Substance use disorders, Hepatitis C
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar, Jordan Ramsdell

January 5, 2024
Title: Blood Lead Screening, Recalled Applesauce, Respiratory Virus Season, and HIV Reporting
Topics: Lead poisoning, respiratory viruses, HIV
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Tom Haupt, Jessica Maloney, Sheryl Bendo


December 1, 2023
Title: Hepatitis C Provider Update: Hep C Overview, Perinatal Hep C, and Hep C Elimination
Topic: Hepatitis C
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Emily Hacker, Kailynn Mitchell, Claudia Vicetti

October 6, 2023
Title: Respiratory Virus Surveillance Update; COVID, RSV, and Influenza Vaccine for 2023-2024; Seasonal Influenza Vaccination: 2022-2023 End-of-Season Report
Topic: Respiratory viruses, COVID-19, influenza
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Hannah Segaloff, Stephanie Schauer

September 8, 2023
Title: Silicosis in Wisconsin, Plus COVID-19 Update
Topics: Silicosis, COVID-19
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Katherine McCoy, Cristopher Meyer

August 4, 2023
Title: COVID-19, Flu, and RSV Vaccines for the 2023-24 Respiratory Virus Season
Topics: COVID-19, influenza, RSV
Presenters: Paul Hunter, Stephanie Borchardt

July 7, 2023
Title: Rabies Prophylaxis and Exposure Management, plus STI Treatment Shortages and RSV Vaccines
Topic: Rabies
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Angela Maxted

June 2, 2023
Title: Tick and Mosquito-borne Diseases Plus Updates on Mpox, COVID-19 and Variant Influenza
Topics: Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, COVID-19, Mpox
Presenter: Ryan Westergaard, Rebecca Osborn

May 5, 2023
Title: Blastomycosis: Clinical Overview, Surveillance Update, and a Unique Outbreak Investigation
Topic: Blastomycosis
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Bruce Klein, Hannah Segaloff

April 7, 2023
Title: Hepatitis C Elimination Plus Updates on Marburg Virus and Mpox
Topic: Hepatitis C; Marburg; Mpox
Presenter: Ryan Westergaard, Kelsa Lowe, Sheila Guilfoyle, Jordan Mason

March 3, 2023
Title: Toxic Shock Syndrome, Antibiotic Prescribing Trends, Plus Updates on Influenza activity and the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
Topics: Toxic shock syndrome; antibiotic resistant organisms; COVID-19; influenza
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Lindsay Taylor, Musheng Alishahi

February 2, 2023
Title: School Immunizations in Wisconsin (DHS 144) Plus Vaccines for Ukrainian Refuges
Topics: Vaccines; Refugee health
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Matthew Lambert, Stephanie Schauer

January 6, 2023
Title: Ebola Risk Assessment and Preparedness Plus Respiratory Virus update
Topics: Ebola; Influenza
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Jonathan Meiman, Thomas Haupt, Allen Bateman


December 2, 2022
Title: Respiratory virus surveillance plus influenza testing, telehealth, and therapeutics for COVID-19 and influenza
Topics: COVID-19; Influenza
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Jonathan Meiman, Thomas Haupt, Allen Bateman

November 4, 2022
Title: Integrating COVID-19 boosters into routine vaccination schedules, plus addressing vaccine hesitancy and an update on seasonal respiratory viruses
Topics: COVID-19; Influenza
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Teri Kuntzsch, Paul Hunter

October 7, 2022
Title: Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) plus an update on COVID-19 boosters and mpox
Topics: Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM); COVID-19; Mpox
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Susann Ahrabi-Fard, Lileth Mondok

September 9, 2022
Title: Seasonal influenza, COVID-19 bivalent boosters, and an update on mpox epidemiology, treatment and vaccines
Topics: COVID-19; Mpox; Influenza
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Matthew Lambert, Paul Hunter, Hannah Segaloff, Stephanie Schauer

August 5, 2022
Title: Mpox for clinicians plus mpox vaccine roll-out and legionellosis update
Topics: Mpox; Legionellosis
Presenters: Matthew Lambert, Hannah Segaloff, Frances Goglio

July 8, 2022
Title: Results from a study of "Long COVID-19" in Wisconsin plus an update on mpox and COVID-19 vaccines
Topics: COVID-19; Mpox
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Hannah Segaloff, Paul Hunter, Lauren Rieves

June 3, 2022
Title: New reporting guidelines for multi-drug resistant organisms, plus an update on mpox and acute hepatitis in children
Topics: COVID-19; Mpox; Antibiotic resistant organisms; Acute hepatitis
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Thomas Haupt, Ashlie Dowdell

May 6, 2022
Title: COVID-19 therapeutics plus an update on Lyme Disease
Topics: COVID-19; Lyme Disease
Presenters: Ryan Westergaard, Elizabeth Laubach, Rebecca Osborne

Monthly BCD webinars for local and Tribal health department staff

BCD hosts a monthly webinar for local and Tribal health department staff.

These monthly BCD webinars are held the first Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m.

Slides and recordings of past webinars are available to local and Tribal health department staff the PCA portal for who have access.

If you have questions or would like more information about the monthly BCD webinar for local and tribal health department staff, please email dhsdphbcd@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

If you have ideas for new webinar topics, please email Jenna Romanowski at Jenna.Romanowski@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

Other previously recorded BCD webinars

In addition to the ongoing monthly webinars for health care providers and LTHD staff, BCD has hosted other webinars on other timely topics. The recordings of these previously recorded webinars are made available below.

The information below contains other previously recorded webinars hosted by BCD.


January 23, 2020
Title: Update on Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
Topic: COVID-19
Presenters: Tom Haupt and Beth Ellinger

January 14, 2020
Title: Investigating Foodborne Outbreaks
Topic: Enteric Diseases
Presenter: Anna Kocharian, MS


December 10, 2019
Title: Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities
Topic: Enteric Diseases Presenter: Lynn Roberts, DVM

November 13, 2019
Title: Updates on Guidance for Tuberculosis (TB) Screening and Testing for Health Care Personnel (HCP) and Caregivers
Topic: Tuberculosis
Presenters: Claire Leback, MPH, BSN, RN; Jerry Reiderer RN, BSN; Julie Tans-Kersten, MS, BSMT (ASCP)​

October 15, 2019
Title: Influenza Updates
Topic: Influenza
Presenter: Tom Haupt, MS

August 13, 2019
Title: Acute Flaccid Myelitis Update
Topic: Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)
Presenter: Susann Ahrabi-rd, MS

July 9, 2019
Title: Carbapenemase-producing carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CP-CRE) Updates
Topic: Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
Presenter: Megan Lasure, MPH

May 14, 2019
Title: Wisconsin Tuberculosis Dispensary Program
Topic: Tuberculosis
Presenter: Wisconsin Tuberculosis Program

April 9, 2019
Title: Foodborne and Waterborne Illness Complaint Form
Topic: Enteric Diseases
Presenter: Julia Jensen, MPH

April 9, 2019
Title: Collecting Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data for Public Health Impact (begins at minute 8)
Topic: Data Management
Presenters: Christine Muganda, PhD, and Lola Awoyinka, MPH

March 12, 2019
Title: Tuberculosis: An Immigrant's Risk, Our Concern
Topic: Tuberculosis
Presenters: Staff of the Wisconsin Tuberculosis Program

February 18, 2019
Title: Update on Legionnaires' Disease in Wisconsin
Topic: Legionellosis
Presenter: Anna Kocharian, MS

January 15, 2019
Title: Tuberculosis in Agriculture: Protecting Employee Health
Topic: Tuberculosis Presenters: Suzanne Gibbons-Burgener, DVM, PhD, and Julie Tans-Kersten, MS, BSMT (ASCP)


December 11, 2018
Title: Health Communications: Theory and Applications
Topic: Health Communications
Presenter: Amy Shumacher, PhD, MS

September 11, 2018
Title: Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) Update
Topic: Tuberculosis Presenters: Julie Tans-Kersten, MS, BSMT (ASCP), and Philip Wegner, RN, MPH

August 14, 2018
Title: Legionellosis Update
Topic: Legionellosis Presenter: Anna Kocharian, MS

May 8, 2018
Title: Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network (ARLN)
Topic: Antimicrobial Stewardship
Presenters: Nijika Shrivastwa, PhD, HSA, MPH, and Megan Lasure, MPHM

May 8, 2018
Title: Carbapenem-Resistant ;Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
Topic: Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
Presenter: Nijika Shrivastwa, PhD, MHSA, MPH

March 13, 2018
Title: The Intersection of Opioids and Hepatitis C
Topic: Opioids
Presenter: Sheila Guilfoyle

January 9, 2018
Title: HPV Disease and Prevention Activities
Topic: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
Presenters: Elise Balzer, Gail Johnson, and Sarah Born, RN


December 12, 2017
Title: Advances in Biomedical Interventions for HIV
Topic: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI); HIV
Presenter: Jacob Dougherty

November 14, 2017
Title: Influenza and Respiratory Disease Activity, and Respiratory Disease Outbreaks in the Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS), Update on Legionellosis (begins minute 26)
Topic: Legionellosis
Presenters: Anna Kocharian, MS, and Tom Haupt, MS

September 18, 2017
Title: Tuberculosis Ordering and Billing Interface (TOBI) Update
Topic: Tuberculosis
Presenter: Julie Tans-Kersten, MS, BSMT (ASCP)

August 11, 2017
Title: Brain-Eating Ameba and Other Emerging Waterborne Public Health Threats
Topic: Waterborne Diseases
Presenters: Sarah Koske, DVM, MPH

July 14, 2017
Title: HPV Vaccine Schedule Update
Topic: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
Presenter: Stephanie Schauer, PhD

May 12, 2017
Title: HIV Integration with WEDSS
Topics: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI); HIV
Presenter: Casey Schumann, MS

April 14, 2017
Title: Rabies and Animal Bite Management
Topic: Rabies
Presenter: Dr. Jim Kazmierczak, DVM, MS


December 9, 2016
Title: B1, B2, and B3 Tuberculosis Classifications and Wisconsin
Topic: Tuberculosis
Presenter: Lorna Will, RN


Last revised March 10, 2025