Children's Long-Term Support: Third Party Administration Transition for County Waiver Agencies
The CLTS Program Participant and Family Handbook is here!
This easy-to-use handbook was created to help families better understand the CLTS Program, so they can better access available supports and services and navigate the program with confidence.
Get the Children’s Long-Term Support Program Participant and Family Handbook, P-03689.
The claims processor for the CLTS Program will transition from third party administrator (TPA) Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) to fiscal agent Gainwell Technologies, LLC (GWT). The anticipated date of this transition is May 5, 2025. This is a temporary webpage that provides information on processes with GWT after the transition. Find information on current processes with WPS.
If you have any questions on the transition to GWT, please contact the CLTS Operations Team at or 844-942-5870.
Prior authorization
Direct entry via the ForwardHealth Portal
- County waiver agencies (CWAs) use this method for PA entry directly into the portal.
- This method is a one-at-a-time PA entry.
- The Portal delivers real-time validation response.
Flat file upload via the ForwardHealth Portal
- CWAs use this method to upload a flat file in a state-approved format to the Portal.
- PA file formatting:
- File upload has an initial validation in real-time for file structure and data integrity.
- In addition to the initial validation, files will be processed by the ForwardHealth portal twice per day (12 p.m. and 7 p.m.) for full validation. This will result in a response file returned to the CWA. The response file will be found in the ForwardHealth portal.
- The portal accepts multiple file submissions per day from each CWA Monday through Friday.
- Files may contain a mixture of new, amended (revised), and inactive reversal (cancelled) PAs.
- Amending a PA is the same as a PA revision.
- CWAs can amend through the direct entry submission or through flat file upload.
- CWAs must use the ForwardHealth PA number on their amended PA for PA matching purposes.
- Fields on the PA that can be amended will vary depending on whether a claim has been submitted or not.
- See the CLTS Guide to Amending Prior Authorizations (PDF) for more information.
- CWAs will receive a list of Medicaid IDs (MA IDs) for providers who are approved for their counties. The list will be emailed to the leads for that CWA before the transition date.
- PA will require the provider’s MA ID. Tax IDs will not be accepted.
- CWAs will have their own unique MA ID for claims submission under the Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program.
- The waiver portal administrator will receive the PIN letter with their CWA’s MA ID.
New requirement to submit International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10th Revision Clinical Modification (CM) codes on PAs.
- CWAs may use a participant-specific diagnosis code or Z41.8 – “encounter for other procedures for purposes other than remedying health state, unspecified.”
- CWAs must recode any electronic health record (EHR) systems that are currently passing a different generic ICD-10 code to WPS.
- CWAs will not be required to submit their support and service coordination rate on PAs.
- SSC rates will be uploaded in a table in the claim payment system for each CWA.
- CWAs that subcontract support and service coordination will enter PAs with T1016 and a U5 modifier, which will allow an SSC rate to be populated.
- CWAs may provide an internal PA number on the PA.
- This number will be returned to the CWA in the response file.
- Internal PA numbers will be available and searchable on the ForwardHealth Portal.
- Payment methods are synonymous with WPS’ “frequency types.”
- Payment methods will be automated in the claim payment system depending on number of units identified on the PA.
- 0 units = Dollar limit. The dollar amount is approved with zero (0) units. The system will pay until approved dollars have been decremented.
- 1 unit or more = Pay unit fee price with unit limit. Units are approved with a certain dollar amount for each unit. The system will pay until approved units have been decremented.
- CWAs will have a comprehensive view of their PAs, whereas providers will only have access to their allocated PA.
- The portal administrator will need to assign access and user roles to enter PAs or upload a flat file.
Claim submission
- Medicaid IDs (MA IDs) or National Provider Identifiers (NPIs) are required to process CLTS claims.
- Tax IDs will no longer be accepted.
- Non-healthcare providers who do not have an NPI will submit claims using their MA ID with all claim submission methods.
- Healthcare providers who do have an NPI:
- Must submit the NPI on claims submitted via the electronic 837 method. Cannot submit MA ID on an 837.
- Will use the MA ID to submit on all other claim submission methods. Can also include NPI.
- New and existing providers will be assigned an MA ID for the CLTS Program.
- Providers will receive a letter that will contain their PIN to log in to the ForwardHealth Portal. This letter will also contain their MA ID.
- Each service location/directory location will have a unique MA ID.
- Providers are encouraged to ensure their registration is up to date now.
- The DHS CLTS Registry remains the “source of truth” regarding provider information, meaning all changes must be made in this registry. DHS passes this information to Gainwell to upload to their provider file and ForwardHealth Portal.
- If the provider has one location:
- They should enter this as their main Business Name and Business Address.
- They should enter this as their Directory Location.
- If the provider has more than one location:
- They should enter their main location as their Business Name and Business Address.
- They should enter their main location as a Directory Location.
- They should enter all other service locations as a Directory Location.
ForwardHealth Portal
- Direct Data Entry (DDE)
- Claim Wizard allows providers to directly enter a claim into the ForwardHealth Portal.
- Copy a Claim
- The ForwardHealth Portal saves claim information and allows providers to copy a claim, in a paid status, to a new claim for easy editing before submitting it as a new claim.
- Create a Claim from a prior authorization (PA)
- Allows users to create a claim based on information from the PA, with information prepopulated on the claim.
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): 837 Health Care Claim transactions
- 837 transactions will continue to be accepted.
- Companion guides give ForwardHealth-specific information for exchanging electronic transactions and can be accessed on the Portal.
- 1500 Health Insurance Claim Form and UB-04 Claim Form
- Providers can mail in paper claim forms.
Claims originally processed by WPS that require an adjustment by Gainwell during the transition have a slightly different process. Claims originally processed by WPS:
- Can be submitted via a paper adjustment request form.
- Fill out the ForwardHealth Adjustment/Reconsideration Request form, F-13056 (PDF), using the ForwardHealth Adjustment/Reconsideration Request Completion Instructions, F-13056 (PDF).
- Mail the completed form to:
CLTS Program
Claims and Adjustments
313 Blettner Blvd.
Madison, WI 53784
- Can be submitted via an 837.
- When adjusting a claim with an 837, enter “7” as the frequency code to replace the claim.
- When adjusting a claim with a UB-04, enter “7” in the “Type of Bill” field and specify the reason for the adjustment in the remarks section.
- Cannot be submitted via direct data entry into the ForwardHealth Portal.
All other claims processed by Gainwell:
- Fill out the ForwardHealth Adjustment/Reconsideration Request form, F-13056 (PDF), using the ForwardHealth Adjustment/Reconsideration Request Completion Instructions, F-13056 (PDF).
- Mail the completed form to:
CLTS Program
Claims and Adjustments
313 Blettner Blvd.
Madison, WI 53784
- Mail the completed form to:
- Can be submitted via an 837.
- When adjusting a claim with an 837, enter “7” as the frequency code to replace the claim.
- When adjusting a claim with a UB-04, enter “7” in the “Type of Bill” field and specify the reason for the adjustment in the remarks section.
- Can be submitted via Direct Data Entry into the ForwardHealth Portal.
CLTS maximum (max) fee schedules
- Max fee schedules can be accessed from the Portal home page and the provider home page.
- CLTS fee schedules will be available Spring 2025.
CWA claims submission limitations
- The only services the CWA may deliver to a CLTS Program participant, in addition to support and service coordination, are:
- Allowable services provided through foster care.
- Purchased products and supplies from third-party entities and vendors (typically web-based vendors) for which the CWA receives no benefit from the vendor.
- See the Federal Procedure Code Limitations on Claims for County Waiver Agencies (PDF) document for further guidance on CWA claim submission limitations.
Date-span billing
- Bill dates of service when services were provided within the authorized date span.
- When to use a date span versus one day of service:
- Services were performed on consecutive dates: Bill a date span (for example, Aug. 1–7).
- Services were performed on two or more different dates: Bill one date per claim line (for example, Aug. 1, Aug. 3, and Aug. 7).
Place of service (POS)
- New requirement to submit POS code on claims.
- Will not be included on PA to continue to allow flexibility for POS 02 Remote Services.
CLTS Waiver Agency Portal User Guide
Supports portal usage and clerk role assignments. View the user guide (PDF).
Provider Readiness Checklist
Used to prepare for the TPA transition. View the checklist (PDF).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Explains what will change, what trainings will be available, and when the transition will happen. View the FAQs (PDF).
ForwardHealth Professional Claims User Guide, P-00970a
Explains how to submit professional claims in the Portal. View the professional claims user guide, P-00970a (PDF).
ForwardHealth Institutional Claims User Guide, P-00970
Provides general instructions for completing an institutional claim through the Portal. View the institutional claims user guide, P-00970 (PDF).
Children’s Long-Term Support Program Place of Service Codes
Table of place of service codes for CLTS services. View the place of service codes (PDF).
The ForwardHealth Portal has prior authorization (PA) and claims information and secure messaging, including a new CLTS Program Third-Party Administration Transition page.
User guides show users how to perform tasks on the ForwardHealth Portal.
Training and other educational resources are also available.
TPA events
CWA forums
- April 9, 2025, 1–2 p.m.
CWA prior authorization training
- February 18, 2025, 2–3:30 p.m.
- February 25, 2025, 10–11:30 a.m.
CWA claims training
- February 18, 2025, 10–11:30 a.m.
- February 26, 2025, 2–3:30 p.m.
Demonstration sessions
August 13 and 15, 2024, How to Submit an 837 Demonstration
- Agenda: 837 claims, converting Excel files to 837 claims, uploading 837 files to the ForwardHealth Portal, finding help
- August 13, 2024, recording
- August 15, 2024, recording
July 24 and 25, 2024, Portal and Claims Submission Demonstration Sessions
- Agenda: Navigating the ForwardHealth portal, claim submissions options, where to find resources
- July 24, 2024, recording
- July 25, 2024, recording
- July 24 and 25, 2024, presentation (PDF)
March 6, 2025
- Agenda: Project timeline, implementation dates, ForwardHealth Portal, PAs, Submission Sandbox testing, county waiver agency (CWA) TPA transition, webpage: what’s new?, Gainwell CLTS Operations Team, training opportunities
- Mar. 6, 2025, recording
- Mar. 6, 2025, presentation (PDF)
December 12, 2024
- Agenda: Project timeline, webpage, Gainwell Operations Team introduction, Medicaid IDs and National Provider Indicators, testing process and submission sandbox, prior authorization number on claims, Waiver Agency Portal Guide, International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes on Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) transfer prior authorizations, date span billing, claim adjustments, discussion, what’s next
- Dec. 12, 2024, recording
- Dec. 12, 2024, presentation (PDF)
October 16, 2024, CLTS TPA Transition
- Agenda: Project timeline, webpage, ForwardHealth CWA user roles, date span billing, Medicaid IDs, ending PAs, prior authorization uploads, payment schedules and remittance advice (RA) schedules, support and service coordinator (SSC) case management rates, financial management services (FMS)
- Oct. 16, 2024, recording
- Oct. 16, 2024, presentation (PDF)
August 7, 2024, CLTS TPA Transition
- Agenda: Project timeline, implementation dates, summary of design changes, overpayment recovery process, payment method examples, duplicate PAs, CWA ForwardHealth ID and Medicaid ID
- Aug. 7, 2024, recording
- Aug. 7, 2024, presentation (PDF)
May 15, 2024, CLTS TPA Transition
- Agenda: Medicaid IDs, prior authorization submissions, prior authorization flexibilities, claims submissions, and CWA claim submission limitations
- May 15, 2024, recording
- May 15, 2024, presentation (PDF)
February 21, 2024, CLTS TPA Transition
- Agenda: Updated TPA transition timeline, prior-authorization feedback included in design, diagnosis codes, claim submission functionality, and ForwardHealth portal clarifications
- Feb. 21, 2024, recording
- Feb. 21, 2024, presentation (PDF)
December 19, 2023, CLTS Program TPA Transition
- Agenda: TPA transition timeline, prior authorization solutions, claims history
- Dec. 19, 2023, recording
- Dec. 19, 2023, presentation (PDF)
October 26, 2024, CLTS Program TPA Transition
- Agenda: CLTS TPA transition overview, prior authorization functionality, claims processing functionality
- Oct. 26, 2023, recording
- Oct. 26, 2023, presentation (PDF)
Prior authorization training and claims training
The presentations and recordings from the February training can be found on the ForwardHealth website under "Training Resources for the Submission Sandbox."