Children’s Long-Term Support: Service Rates
Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) program rates
- CLTS Waiver Program Rate Schedule, P-02184
- CLTS Code Crosswalk, P-02283
- Care Level Classification Guidelines, P-02273 (PDF)
- Care Level Classification Form, F-02467 (Word)
- CLTS Rate Setting Outlier Request Guide
- CLTS Program Outlier Rate Request Instructions, P-02274 (PDF)
- CLTS Treatment Foster Care Administrative Rates, P-00700 (PDF)
About rate setting
The Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program pays authorized claims under two approaches, the CLTS Statewide Rate Schedule and Market Rate.
Services included in the CLTS Statewide Rate Schedule
- Adult family home
- Case management
- Child care
- Community/competitive integrated employment
- Community integration services
- Counseling and therapeutic services*
- Daily living skills training*
- Day services
- Discovery and career planning*
- Financial management services
- Grief and bereavement counseling
- Health and wellness*
- Mentoring
- Personal supports*
- Respite*
- Safety planning and prevention
- Participant and family-directed broker services
- Transportation*
Exempt services
These services are paid at market rate.
- Assistive technology
- Children's foster care
- Communication assistance for community inclusion
- Empowerment and self-determination supports
- Family/unpaid caregiver supports and services
- Home modifications
- Housing support services
- Participant and family-directed goods and services
- Personal emergency response systems
- Relocation services
- Specialized medical and therapeutic supplies
- Vehicle modifications
- Virtual equipment and supports
*Some parts of these services are included in rate setting, but some parts are not.