Children's Long-Term Support: How do I become a provider?
Would you like to be a Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) provider? Take the first step. Enroll with us.
The steps to become a provider and get paid are easy!
1: Enroll with DHS to be a qualified provider
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) will review your enrollment and qualifications, which could include a caregiver background check. If you are initially approved, DHS will add your information to the public CLTS Provider Directory. DHS will share your information with the county waiver agency(ies) (CWAs) in the county(ies) you want to deliver services in. They will handle the rest of the process. Read more below.
2: Connect with the CWA
DHS recommends connecting with the county(ies) that you are interested in providing services in, and share more about the services you are qualified by DHS to provide to CLTS participants. You can find county contact information on the County Contact Information webpage.
3: Get an authorization from a CWA to deliver services
Once a CWA identifies a participant who needs a service from you, the CWA will review your qualifications in the CLTS Provider Registry, then issue an authorization for services. Once you have this authorization, you can begin delivering services to that participant. See How do I get paid?
4: Deliver services and bill the TPA
Once the service is complete, you will bill our third-party administrator (TPA). See How do I get paid?
What to do before you enroll
Gather your business information
Information or documents you will need during the enrollment process may include:
- Documents that include your business name as reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), your Tax ID Number (TIN), and either your federal Employment Identification Number (EIN) or your Social Security number (SSN).
- Licensure or certification credentials, if required, based on the selected CLTS service description.
- Training and work experience information, if required, based on the selected CLTS service description.
- National Provider Identifier (NPI)—Only providers delivering medical services or equipment are required to have an NPI.
Identify what type of provider you are
Provider agencies
Those who employ staff to deliver services
Sole proprietors
Individuals who typically do not employ staff to deliver services
Fiscal management services (FMS)
Those who manage and issue payments to self-directed workers
Note: Do not enroll if you are employed by an agency. Do not enroll if you turn in time sheets to a fiscal agent. Ask your employer for more information. Or contact your county Human Service Department.
If you aren’t sure what type of provider you are, you can find out. Call the CLTS Provider Contact Center at 833-940-1576.
Decide what services do you want to deliver
To review short descriptions of the service(s) you are interested in delivering, see the Provider Services at a Glance, P-03181 (PDF). For full descriptions and qualification criteria, see Chapter 4 of the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Manual for the CLTS Program, P-02256 (PDF).
Enroll now
You can start a new enrollment or request access to an existing enrollment.
- New Provider Users: Create an Account edit, P-03312 (PDF)
- New Provider Users: Submit a New Registration, P-03312A (PDF)
- Provider Users: View, Update, and Renew a Registration, P-03312B (PDF)
- Wisconsin Medicaid Provider Agreement and Acknowledgement of Terms of Participation, F-03344 (PDF)*
* The Medicaid Agreement PDF is for review purposes only. To fill out the Medicaid Agreement for enrollment or re-enrollment, visit the CLTS Provider Registry.
After you enroll
After you are approved, DHS will share your information with the county waiver agency in the county where you deliver services and add your name to the provider directory.
Get in touch with the county waiver agency in the county where you deliver services. Find their contact information on the County Contact Information webpage.
Note: You are an approved provider as soon as you’ve filled out the initial Provider Registry and you receive DHS approval. The county waiver agency authorizes you to deliver services based on the identified needs and outcomes of the CLTS Program participants.
Questions? Call the CLTS Provider Contact Center at 833-940-1576.