Substance Abuse Prevention Services Information System (SAP-SIS)
All agencies that offer substance use prevention services with Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services Block Grant funds must use the Substance Abuse Prevention Services Information System (SAP-SIS). SAP-SIS is a way to report on activities. We use data from SAP-SIS to complete federal reporting requirements.
Questions about SAP-SIS? Email
What you need before using SAP-SIS
As a primary contract agency, before you use SAP-SIS, you must:
- Get a Web Access Management System Identification—All SAP-SIS users must have this identification. If you already have one, you can skip this step.
- Register your agency and all users with the Bureau of Prevention Treatment and Recovery—Use SAP-SIS Agency/User Web Access Request F-21088 (Word). It may take up to five business days to process your request. You will receive emails that let you know when your request is received and processed.
How to use SAP-SIS
SAP-SIS keeps track of what agencies do with grant funding.
Types of prevention interventions
Use these terms to label a prevention intervention in SAP-SIS:
- Universal—Actions targeted to the public or a whole group that hasn’t been identified based on personal risk.
- Universal direct—Interventions that directly serve an identifiable group of participants. They haven’t been identified based on personal risk. Examples include school curriculum, after school programming, and parenting classes. This could also include interventions with interpersonal and repeated contact (for example, community substance use prevention coalitions).
- Universal indirect—Interventions that support population-based programs and environmental strategies. Examples include setting up alcohol, tobacco, and other drug policies or updating alcohol, tobacco, and other drug advertising practices. This could also include interventions with programs and policies from coalitions.
- Selective—Actions targeted to a person or a subgroup of people. Their risk of developing a disorder is a lot higher than average.
- Indicated—Actions targeted to people in high-risk settings. They must have minor, but visible, signs or symptoms that foreshadow a disorder. Or, they must have biological markers that show they are likely to have a disorder if they don’t yet meet levels to be diagnosed.
Types of primary prevention strategies
Use these terms to label a prevention strategy in SAP-SIS:
This strategy provides knowledge and increases awareness about:
- The nature and extent of alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and addiction.
- The effects of alcohol and other drug use on individuals, families, and communities.
- Prevention and treatment programs and services.
The strategy involves one-on-one communication from the source to the audience. There’s not much contact between the two. Examples include:
- Brochures.
- Clearinghouse/information resource centers.
- Health fairs and other health promotion (conferences, meetings, or seminars).
- Information lines or hotlines.
- Media campaigns.
- Radio and TV public service announcements.
- Resource directories.
- Speaking engagements.
This strategy builds vital life and social skills through a designed learning process. These skills include:
- Decision-making.
- Interpersonal communication.
- Peer resistance.
- Problem solving.
- Stress coping.
- Systematic and judgmental abilities.
There is more contact between the source and the audience compared to the information dissemination strategy. Examples of this strategy include:
- Education programs for youth groups.
- Mentors.
- Ongoing class and/or small group sessions.
- Parenting and family management.
- Peer leader/helper programs.
- Preschool alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention programs.
This strategy offers activities that don’t involve alcohol and other drugs. The purpose is to meet the needs that alcohol and other drugs often fill but with healthy activities instead. Examples include:
- Community drop-in centers.
- Community service activities.
- Drug-free dances and parties.
- Outward Bound.
- Recreation activities.
- Youth or adult leadership activities.
This strategy aims to find:
- Those who’ve used tobacco or alcohol illegally (or underage).
- Those who’ve used illicit drugs for the first time.
The goal is to see if education can help reverse their behavior. This strategy doesn’t include activities meant to confirm if a person needs treatment. Examples include:
- Driving while under the influence or intoxicated education programs.
- Employee assistance programs.
- Student assistance programs.
This strategy provides ongoing networking activities and technical support to community groups or agencies. It uses neighborhood-based, grassroots empowerment models. These involve action planning and collaborative systems planning. Examples include:
- Community and volunteer training.
- Impactor training.
- Neighborhood action training.
- Staff and officials training.
- Community team building.
- Multi-agency coordination, collaboration, and coalition.
- Services and funding access.
- Systemic planning.
This strategy sets up or changes written and unwritten community standards, codes, and attitudes. The goal is to sway the general population’s use of alcohol and other drugs. Examples include:
- Changes to alcohol and tobacco advertising.
- Guidance and technical help watching enforcement governing availability and supply of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
- New or revised alcohol, tobacco, and drug policies in schools.
- Product pricing strategies.
YES prevention strategies
The resources (below) list prevention strategies you can fund with the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services Block Grant. You can only use these primary substance use disorder prevention strategies with the grant dollars.
- Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development—Providing a Registry of Experimentally Proven Programs
- National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance—What Works Clearinghouse
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention—Model Program Guide
- RAND Promising Practices
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center
You can use grant dollars to pay for staff work with an Alliance for Wisconsin Youth community coalition or other groups focused on preventing substance use disorders.
If a prevention strategy is not in this list, you must get approval before you use grant dollars. Contact for more details.
NO prevention strategies
These prevention strategies are important parts of a full community approach to reducing substance use. They do not, however, meet requirements for the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services Block Grant:
- Consumer recovery services
- Domestic violence prevention
- Inpatient and outpatient treatment
- Relapse prevention
- Suicide prevention
- Teen parenting case management