Substance Use: Drug Overdose Deaths Dashboard
View the dashboard to see rates and trends on drug-related deaths in Wisconsin. The data includes information on deaths related to opioids, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Filter the dashboard data by drug, location, or other demographic information.
Wisconsin Suspected Overdose Alerts for Rapid Response
The Wisconsin Suspected Overdose Alerts for Rapid Response system is for professionals working in substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery support services. It provides near real-time data on suspected drug overdoses to inform community actions to save lives.
- Substance Use: Statistics
- Environmental Public Health Tracking: Alcohol Data
- Mental Health: County Services Dashboard
- Dose of Reality: Opioid Data Summary Dashboard
- Dose of Reality: Opioid Deaths by County Dashboard
- Dose of Reality: Opioid Hospital Visit Dashboard
- Dose of Reality: Adult Opioid Use Dashboard
- Dose of Reality: Youth Opioid Use Dashboard
- Substance Use: County Services Dashboard