Income Maintenance and Tribal Agency Contact Information

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) partners with counties and tribes to help you apply for or enroll in programs such as:

These county agencies are called income maintenance or economic support agencies. County agencies join together to form a consortium. There are 11 consortia, or groups of these agencies, across the state. They can help you:

  • Answer questions about your eligibility and benefits.
  • Apply for benefits.
  • Conduct your FoodShare interview.
  • Process your:
    • Application.
    • Benefits changes.
    • Benefits renewal.
    • Documents you provide as proof or verification.
  • Renew your benefits.

You can get these services at any of the agencies in your consortium. Each one has its own center you can call for help.

See the map where you live to find your consortium’s contact information. A printer-friendly version of the map is also available.

A map of Wisconsin for income maintenance.

 Pro tip: Add your local agency's phone number to your contacts to easily recognize when you are receiving a call from your agency.

Wisconsin’s consortia

You can find agency information by consortium or county:

Find your county: Wisconsin cities, villages, and towns by county (Excel).

Wisconsin’s tribes

You can also find agency information by tribe:

To update agency information, email:

More resources

Aging and disability resource centers

If you have questions about aging or living with a disability, your local aging and disability resource center can help.

Find your local aging and disability resource center

Applying for benefits

You can apply for benefits:

  • By mail
  • In person
  • Online
  • Over the phone

Learn how to apply for benefits

ForwardHealth Member Services

If you have questions about your health care benefits or need help finding a doctor, call ForwardHealth Member Services at 800-362-3002.

Learn more about ForwardHealth

Wisconsin Shares and Wisconsin Works (W-2)

If you have questions about getting help with child care costs or finding a job, contact your local Wisconsin Shares or Wisconsin Works (W-2) agency.


Last revised May 20, 2024