1 West Wilson Street

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services central office is located downtown, near the State Capitol and Monona Terrace, at 1 West Wilson Street in Madison, Wisconsin.

Driving Directions to 1 West Wilson Street

History of the State Office Building at 1 West Wilson Street

Visitor processing policy

All visitors to the building will be asked the purpose of their visit to ensure they are in the correct building. Once verified, they will be asked to sign the visitor log and wear a visitor badge. Upon leaving the building, visitors are asked to sign out and return the visitor badge to the main desk.

Exceptions to the screening and authorization process

  • Frequent couriers are exempt from the visitor sign-in process as long as they are in uniform and wear a company ID badge. We want them to be able to access any area necessary to make their delivery and maintain their schedules.
  • Federal, State, County, or Local (city) employees with identification visible are allowed to pass the main desk without signing the visitor log.
  • Uniformed officers and emergency personnel do not need to sign the visitor log, or receive a visitor badge.

Visitors with a scheduled meeting or appointment

  • Visitors will be asked who they are meeting with and where they are meeting. They will then be asked to enter this information into the visitor log.
  • Visitors will be given a badge to wear while they are in the building, which is to be returned upon leaving the building.
  • If a visitor is unsure about where they are meeting, desk personnel will call the meeting organizer and ask where they will meet the visitor. If the employee is unavailable, desk personnel will attempt to check Outlook, if applicable. This information can then be entered in the visitor log.
  • Visitors will be directed to the central elevators and given the floor and room number of their destination.

Personal visitors

For visitors who enter to visit an employee, the entry process is the same as for other visitors. The person must identify the employee they are here to see, that employee is called to give authorization for entry, and the visitor signs into the log and wears a visitor badge.


Last revised March 24, 2025