Informative Documents and Publications Library

Informative documents and publications produced by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services are available electronically and/or for paper order. Review the "Available to Order" column below to ensure availability in paper format. If the document is available to order in a paper version, there will be a "Yes" with a link to ordering instructions. When you are searching for a document, enter the number or a portion of the title in the search box below. To narrow your search results even more, place quotation marks (" ") around search terms.

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Assigned Number Title Sort descending Division Language Release Date File Type Available to Order
P-01872 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Hepatitis B DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-02039 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Hepatitis C DPH English 02/2020 PDF
P-02048 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Hepatitis D DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01916 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Hepatitis E DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01914 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Histoplasmosis DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01988 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) DPH English 10/2017 PDF
P-01877 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Influenza A, Novel Subtype DPH English 07/2017 PDF
P-01873 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Influenza-Associated Hospitalizations DPH English 07/2017 PDF
P-01878 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Influenza-Associated Pediatric Death DPH English 07/2017 PDF
P-01874 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Kawasaki Syndrome DPH English 07/2017 PDF
P-02303 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) DPH English 11/2021 PDF
P-01895 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Legionellosis (Legionnaires' Disease, Pontiac Fever DPH English 05/2023 PDF
P-01925 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) DPH English 11/2021 PDF
P-01917 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Leptospirosis DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01687 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Listeriosis DPH English 07/2017 PDF
P-01735 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Lyme Disease DPH English 01/2022 PDF
P-01919 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01931 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Malaria DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01989 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Measles DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01975 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Meningococcal Disease DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01969 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Mumps DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01932 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Mycobacterioses, Non-Tuberculous, Mycobacterial (NTM) Disease DPH English 11/2021 PDF
P-01974 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01992 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Pertussis DPH English 09/2024 PDF
P-01918 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Plague DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01977 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Poliovirus Infection DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-02191 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) DPH English 05/2018 PDF
P-01910 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Psittacosis (Ornithosis) DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01920 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Q Fever DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01901 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Rabies (Human) DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01987 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Rheumatic Feve DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01923 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Ricin Poisoning DPH English 08/2022 PDF
P-02251 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Rickettsiosis DPH English 10/2018 PDF
P-01978 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01050 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Salmonellosis (Nontyphoidal) DPH English 05/2022 PDF
P-01993 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01882 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli (STEC) DPH English 05/2018 PDF
P-01879 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Smallpox DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01949 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis (Including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) DPH English 01/2020 PDF
P-01890 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Invasive Disease DPH English 11/2022 PDF
P-01972 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Syphilis DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01979 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Tetanus DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01940 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Toxic Shock Syndrome DPH English 07/2023 PDF
P-01884 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Toxoplasmosis DPH English 07/2017 PDF
P-01912 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Trichinosis (Trichinellosis) DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01928 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Tuberculosis (TB) DPH English 11/2021 PDF
P-01911 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Tularemia DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01935 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Typhoid Fever DPH English 10/2017 PDF
P-01862 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infections DPH English 09/2023 PDF
P-01980 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Varicella (Chickenpox) and Herpes Zoster (Shingles) DPH English 09/2017 PDF


Last revised December 4, 2024