Reporting Data to DHS
This site provides a list of resources for those reporting data to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. You can select a link below to find the various ways data is reported to the Department.
Birth Defect Prevention and Surveillance Program
Promoting quality care for children and youth with special health care needs. The program maintains a confidential birth defects registry.
Human Services Reporting System (HSRS)
A reporting tool for collecting data for several social service and disability service programs.
Long-Term Care Data Warehouse
Tools and data sets for local program administrators, along with data analysis and decision-making tools to build reports.
Long-Term Care Information Exchange System
Administrators can submit data which can be used to analyze a range of topics including service costs, capitation rates, activities, etc.
Nursing Homes: RAI/MDS 3.0 Information
Find information about the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 and Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) for nursing homes.
Program Participation System (PPS)
A web application that streamlines various program functions and tasks.
Public Health Registries: Promoting Interoperability
Submit digital data to the Division of Public Health using the applicable Promoting Interoperability Program standards and specifications.
Regulations: Reporting of Client, Patient, or Resident Death
Learn the procedure for a program or facility to notify Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) of a reportable death.
Report Abuse, Neglect, or Misappropriation
Entities regulated by the Division of Quality Assurance must report abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of client property.
Substance Abuse Prevention Services Information System (SAP-SIS)
Information for partners and providers on how to access and use SAP-SIS to report data to DHS.
Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS)
A secure, web-based system used to facilitate the reporting, investigation, and surveillance of communicable diseases in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Trauma Registry
Information for hospitals to provide data on trauma patients.