Occupational Health: Data and Publications
On this page you will find Wisconsin occupational health data visualizations, fact sheets, surveillance briefs, annual indicator data, trend reports, and other reports and publications.
Chemicals in the Workplace dashboard – A dashboard that displays the chemicals workers in different industries are potentially exposed to while working. It also shows the industries at risk.
Wisconsin Worker Demographics dashboard – This dashboard shows shows the number of people in Wisconsin's workforce and the distribution of workers by different industry levels (sector, industry group, and detailed industry).
Wisconsin Worker Injuries, Illness, and Deaths dashboard – A dashboard that shows how Wisconsin workers' health is affected by their jobs.
Worker's compensation dashboard – A dashboard using Worker's Compensation data to show trends, rates and counts for reported work-related injuries and deaths
Fact sheets
- Blastomycosis: Employers and Workers, P-03246 (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Breast Cancer and the Workplace, P-03672 (PDF)
- Hair Stylists and Reproductive Health, P-03650 (PDF)
- Handwashing After Animal Contact, P-01699 (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Histoplasmosis: Employers and Workers, P-03621 (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Keep Your Family Safe: Don't Bring Lead Home From Your Job, P-01737 (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Lead and Your Health: No Amount of Lead is Safe, Even for Adults, P-01738 (Available in English and Spanish)
- Mesothelioma is Still a Deadly Problem in Wisconsin, P-02298 (English and Spanish)
- Musculoskeletal Disorders: Impact and Recommendations, P-03686 (PDF)
- Preventing Lead Exposure at Shooting Ranges, P-03697 (PDF)
- Protect Shipworkers from Lead, P-01625 (PDF)
- Silicosis: What Workers Need to Know. P-3262 (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Staying Healthy While Working on a Farm, P-01711 (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Trichloroethylene (TCE) in the Workplace, P-03201 (Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Understanding Work-Related Asthma, P-03684 (PDF)
- Warehouses and Heat Stress: What to Know, P-03681 (PDF)
- Wash Your Hands!, P-01710 (Available in multiple languages)
- What Employers Need to Know About Carbon Monoxide, P-02486 (PDF)
- What Employers Should Know About Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI or H5N1), P-03308) (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- What Workers in Meat and Dairy Processing Should Know About Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), P-03308b (Available in English and Spanish)
- What Workers Should Know About Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI or H5N1), P-03308a (Available in Hmong, English, and Spanish)
- Working in the cold: What Workers and Employers Should Know, P-03560 (PDF)
- Young Worker's Guide to Working Safely in Wisconsin P-00990 (PDF)
Surveillance briefs
- COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims, P-03412 (PDF)
- Heat-related Illness on the Job: A Look at Worker's Compensation Claims in Wisconsin (2008–2021), P-03497 (PDF)
- Long COVID Cases in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Data, March 1, 2020–July 31, 2022, P-03411 (PDF)
- Winter Work-Related Injuries: Slips, Trips, and Falls in Wisconsin (2000-2022), P-03571 (PDF)
- Work-Related Asthma in Wisconsin, P-00068 (PDF)
The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) developed occupational health "indicators" in 1999 as a way to measure occupational hazard health effects, exposure, interventions, and socioeconomic costs. Explore the most recent occupational health indicator data for all participating states at the CSTE Occupational Health Indicators webpage.
Occupational Health Indicator Trend reports
- Wisconsin Occupational Health Indicators Report 2009-2018, P-45104 (PDF)
- Wisconsin Occupational Health Trend Report 2009-2018 Infographic, P-02827 (PDF)
- Summary of Worker Health and Safety Data, For Years 2003-2012, P-45104 (PDF)
- Workplace Safety Matters Infographics, P-01593 (available for 2012 and 2019)
Other reports
- Heat-Related Illness on the Job: a Look at Worker's Compensation Claims in Wisconsin (2010–2022), P-03497 (PDF).
- Winter Work-Related Injuries: Slips, Trips, and Falls in Wisconsin (2000–2022), P-03571 (PDF)
- COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims, P-03412 (PDF)
- Long COVID Cases in Wisconsin Workers Compensation Data, March 1, 2020–July 31, 2022, P-003411 (PDF)
- Occupational Health in Wisconsin: An Annual Report 2006, P-45104-2006 (PDF)
- Work-Related Asthma in Wisconsin, P-00068 (PDF) (2007)
- Too Soon to Breathe Easy: Trends in Asbestosis Morbidity and Mortality in Wisconsin
- Snow or ice-related injury claims in cold months during 2016–2021
- Incidence of COVID-19 and Worker’s Compensation Utilization Among Food Manufacturing in Wisconsin, October 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021
- Work and Life in the Balance: COVID-19 Mortality by Usual Occupation and Industry in Wisconsin
- Long COVID Among Wisconsin Workers in the Workers’ Compensation System: Associations With Sociodemographics, Vaccination, and Predominant Variant Period From March 1, 2020 to July 31, 2022
- Social determinants of an occupational lung disease: Workers’ narratives on silicosis
- Silicosis: Emerging Trends and How to Screen for Early Detection
- COVID-19 Outbreaks Linked to Workplaces, 23 US Jurisdictions, August-October 2021
- School District Prevention Policies and Risk of COVID-19 Among In-Person K–12 Educators, Wisconsin, 2021
- Lost time: COVID-19 indemnity claim reporting and results in the Wisconsin workers' compensation system from March 12 to December 31, 2020
- Bureau of Labor Statistics/Occupational Safety and Health (BLS/OSH) Statistics Unit: The BLS/OSH Statistics Unit collects Wisconsin occupational injury, illness, and fatality data annually
- For more information on worker lead surveillance, please visit the Adult Lead Program page for Laboratories and Researchers
Questions? Can't find what you're looking for? Email us at dhsocchealth@dhs.wisconsin.gov.