IPS: Publications

The following publications are designed to be used by professionals using the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment.

Clinical documentation worksheet

This worksheet explores the language and format of documentation used in IPS. It includes a brief description of documentation required at different stages of IPS services. It is for use by IPS employment specialists.

Clinical documentation worksheet (PDF)

IPS Clinical Documentation Worksheet Page 1

Exploring strengths worksheet

This worksheet explores heart skills, head skills, and action skills a job seeker sees in themselves and develops a plan for employer contact based on the skills identified. It for use in collaboration with a job seeker.

Exploring strengths worksheet (PDF)

IPS Job Seeker Strengths Worksheet Page 1

Goal exploration worksheet

This worksheet guides a conversation with a job seeker to identify, explore, and plan for change. It is to be used in collaboration with a job seeker and may be shared with team members when developing plans.

Goal exploration worksheet (PDF)

IPS Goal Exploration Worksheet Page 1

Practice principles guide

This guide describes the eight practice principles of the IPS supported employment model. It is for use when describing the IPS model to participants, families, and team members.

Practice principles guide (PDF)

IPS Practice Principles

Supervisor's field mentoring log

This form is for use by IPS supervisors during job development field mentoring with new and existing employment specialists to record observations and next steps. It is designed to be used over time, to guide and demonstrate skill development. It is reviewed as part of the IPS fidelity review.

Supervisor's field mentoring log (PDF)

This form is for use by IPS Supervisors during job development field mentoring with new and existing employment specialists to record observations and next steps.

Three cups of tea worksheet

This worksheet guides an employment specialist as they develop relationships with employers based on conversations with a job seeker including developing an introductory statement. It is for use in collaboration with the job seeker to plan conversations with potential employers.

Three cups of tea worksheet (PDF)

IPS Three Cups Worksheet Page 1

Fidelity chart review worksheet

This worksheet is for employment specialists and their supervisors to track dates and information important to IPS fidelity. It is also used by IPS fidelity reviewers during the chart review portion of the IPS fidelity review to collect and verify information.

IPS supported employment fidelity chart review worksheet (PDF)

WI IPS Fidelity Chart Review


Last revised March 7, 2025