Background Checks Program
Checks completed by entities
Entities must conduct background checks for employees and contractors that have regular and direct contact with clients. These caregiver background checks are required at time of hire, when there is a change in circumstances, and at least every four years thereafter.
See the following overview of the caregiver background check process.
Certain convictions or governmental findings may affect a person's eligibility to serve in caregiving roles. Other convictions may require notifications to clients or guardians when the client is receiving services in their private residence.
Please see the following resources:
- Caregiver background check
system (Department of Justice's Wisconsin Online Record Check System (WORCS)) - Background Information Disclosure (BID), F-82064
- Caregiver Background Check Documentation Requirements, P-03513 (PDF)
Checks completed by DQA
Individuals seeking any of the following approvals must apply for a background check by accessing the DHS Background Check Request, F-03329:
- Entity operators
- Non-client residents
- Rehabilitation review applicants
For help with completing an application, please see our guide for completing a background check application (PDF).
PLEASE NOTE: You must register for MyWisconsin
At a minimum, background checks are required every 4 years and/or when there is a change in status for any individual requiring a background check. Certain entity types may be required to complete background checks on a more frequent basis due to specific regulatory requirements or due to department request.
After submitting your background check application, you will receive an email at the address you provided. The email will confirm receipt of your application. Save a copy of that email for your entity's files. Once your application has been processed, you will also receive an email with the outcome. Save a copy of that email for at least 4 years to demonstrate compliance. See Background Documentation Requirements, P-03513 (PDF).
After payment has been submitted, an automated email will be generated to the specified contact email address. Save a copy of that email for your entity's files unless the background check was submitted for a rehabilitation review.
Individuals who are applying for rehabilitation review will need to upload a copy of the automated email to the appropriate background check upload section of the rehabilitation review application.
Once the application has been reviewed by DQA staff, you will receive another automated email that indicates the outcome of that review. Save a copy of that email for your entity's files unless you requested a background check for a rehabilitation review.
Unless the background check was requested for a rehabilitation review, save these emails for 4 years. DQA staff may request copies of one or both automated emails as proof that a request was submitted appropriately.
Contact us
For questions about entity background check requirements or the online background check request application, please email dhsdqabackgroundchecks@
For questions about regulations, licensing, or certification requirements, please contact the appropriate DQA regional office.