Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System: Objectives

The Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System (WCRS) is a population-based registry guided by statutory mandate to collect, manage, and analyze cancer data on Wisconsin residents. The registry reports the occurrence of new cancers (incidence) and death rates (mortality) for the state and local areas. Cancer surveillance has become both a state and a national priority. Cancer surveillance refers to the ongoing, timely, systematic collection and analysis of cancer incidence and mortality data. Statewide data collected through cancer registries can be used to identify cancer trends, direct cancer control activities, plan and carry out prevention efforts, and conduct research.

The WCRS maintains an accurate and timely database to support several important functions:

  • Health care planning by state and county health departments,

  • Epidemiological, medical/clinical and health services research,

  • General citizen education,

  • Evaluation of prevention and treatment programs, and

  • Comprehensive national cancer control strategies.

The registry publishes aggregate data in reports, and conducts statewide and local-level data analyses to address public health issues. WCRS is an active member of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), and WCRS data are published in the NAACCR report, Cancer in North America, and the CDC publication, U.S. Cancer Statistics.

Last revised November 14, 2018