FoodShare: Your Income Could Make You Eligible

FoodShare benefits are available to many families across Wisconsin. Your family may be able to get benefits if you don’t earn enough money to pay for basic things you need. Family income is one factor we use to determine if you’re eligible.

Gross family income

To find out if you can get FoodShare benefits, you need to know the amount of money earned or received by everyone living in your household each month. Gross income means the amount before taxes and deductions are taken out.

Monthly income limits

This chart will help you learn if you might be able to get benefits. Count the number of people living with you. Add up the amount of money your family earns or receives each month. Then check the chart.

Effective October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025:

Household size*200% FPL Gross Income Limit130% FPL Gross Income Limit
Reporting Limit
Maximum Allotment
For each additional
person add:

* See if your family’s gross monthly income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL). If it is, your family passes the Gross Income Test. You’ll earn certain credits to be subtracted from your gross income. Learn more about credits and how we calculate your benefits in the ForwardHealth Enrollment and Benefits Handbook, P-00079.

We can help

We can help you figure out if your family’s gross monthly income is above or below the poverty line. There are different income limits for some people. For example, people who are at least 60 years, disabled, and not able to buy and prepare their own food.

Apply to see if you're eligible

Changes to your income

Changes to the amount of money you earn or receive may impact your ability to get benefits. If you get a different job or a pay raise, you might not be eligible any longer. Contact your agency if your family’s monthly gross income goes above 130% FPL after you enroll in FoodShare.

Enrollment and benefits handbook

FoodShare is one of the benefit programs under ForwardHealth. For more information, see the ForwardHealth Enrollment and Benefits Handbook, P-00079.

Equal opportunity information

Get the USDA nondiscrimination statement on the Your Rights webpage, along with other nondiscrimination information.


Last revised December 11, 2024