Informative Documents and Publications Library

Informative documents and publications produced by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services are available electronically and/or for paper order. Review the "Available to Order" column below to ensure availability in paper format. If the document is available to order in a paper version, there will be a "Yes" with a link to ordering instructions. When you are searching for a document, enter the number or a portion of the title in the search box below. To narrow your search results even more, place quotation marks (" ") around search terms.

If you are looking for an official form, visit our Official DHS Forms Library. If you need a file in another file format or can't find what you are looking for here, reach out to the Digital Communications Team at You can typically expect a response within 1-2 business days.

Assigned Number Title Sort descending Division Language Release Date File Type Available to Order
N/A Columbia County: July 1, 2013 Population DPH English 07/2015 PDF
N/A Columbia County: July 1, 2014 Population DPH English 09/2015 Excel
N/A Columbia County: July 1, 2014 Population DPH English 09/2015 PDF
N/A Combined Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Mental Health Block Grant Application FY 24/25 DCTS English 03/2024 PDF
P-03252 Comforting Children During Vaccination DPH English 05/2022 PDF
P-03117 Commercial Tobacco and Nicotine Youth Cessation Programs DPH English 10/2021 PDF
P-03631A Commodity Supplemental Food Program (Stockbox) - Outreach DPH English 07/2024 PDF
P-03631 Commodity Supplemental Food Program (Stockbox) - Partner Fact Sheet DPH English 07/2024 PDF
P-00734B Common Chemical Release Information DPH English 04/2019 PDF
P-03160 Common Wisconsin Emergency Preparedness Acronyms DPH English 12/2021 PDF
N/A Commonly Asked Questions about PRAMS DPH Spanish 11/2014 PDF
N/A Commonly Asked Questions about PRAMS DPH English 11/2014 PDF
P-03517 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol - COVID-19 Associated Hospitalizations DPH English 09/2023 PDF
P-03518 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol - COVID-19 Associated Pediatric Mortality DPH English 09/2023 PDF
P-03586 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol - Cronobacter DPH English 03/2024 PDF
P-01187 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol - Cryptosporidiosis DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-03519 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Associated Hospitalizations DPH English 09/2023 PDF
P-03520 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Associated Pediatric Mortality DPH English 09/2023 PDF
P-01823 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol Enterotoxigenic E. Coli (ETEC) DPH English 12/2022 PDF
P-01951 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Anaplasmosis DPH English 02/2024 PDF
P-01893 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Anthrax DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01930 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Arboviral Infection DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01886 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Babesiosis DPH English 01/2025 PDF
P-01981 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Bacterial Meningitis DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01924 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Blastomycosis DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-02198 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) and Cyanotoxin Poisoning DPH English 06/2018 PDF
P-02215 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Borreliosis DPH English 07/2018 PDF
P-01938 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Botulism, Infant Intestinal DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01937 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Botulism, Non-Infant DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01902 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Brucellosis DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-03234 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Candida auris DPH English 11/2022 PDF
P-02187 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms DPH English 07/2024 PDF
P-01973 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Chancroid DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01971 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Chlamydia DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01875 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Cholera (Vibrio cholerae 01/0139) DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-02185 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) DPH English 06/2018 PDF
P-01913 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) DPH English 08/2017 PDF
P-01883 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Cyclosporiasis DPH English 06/2022 PDF
P-01985 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Diphtheria DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-02228 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Ehrlichiosis DPH English 02/2024 PDF
P-01880 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Enteropathogenic E. Coli (EPEC) DPH English 12/2022 PDF
P-02253 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Free-Living Ameba Infections DPH English 07/2018 PDF
P-01990 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Giardiasis DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01970 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Gonorrhea DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01982 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Group A Streptococcus (GAS), Invasive Disease DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01983 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Group B Streptococcus (GBS), Invasive Disease DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01976 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Haemophilus Influenzae Disease DPH English 01/2025 PDF
P-01903 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Hantavirus Infection DPH English 09/2017 PDF
P-01934 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome DPH English 10/2017 PDF
P-01915 Communicable Disease Case Reporting and Investigation Protocol: Hepatitis A DPH English 07/2017 PDF


Last revised December 4, 2024